2018-10-26 11:06:12

Xilin Zhang


Dr. Xilin Zhang is a professor of School of Psychology at South China Normal University (SCNU) since 2018. He attained his B.S. in Faculty of Psychology at Southwest University in 2009, and Ph.D. in School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences at Peking University in 2014, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow Research in National Institutes of Health (NIH) between 2014 and 2018. Dr. Zhang is interested in the neural mechanisms of visual attention, awareness, visual perception, emotion, and working memory by combining psychophysics, brain imaging, eye movement, and computational modeling.

Address: Rm. 428, School of Psychology, South China Normal University (SCNU),

No. 55 Zhongshan Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510631, China

Email: xlzhang@m.scnu.edu.cn