2018-10-19 11:35:47


Yali Jiang

South China Normal University,

55 West Zhongshan Avenue, Guangzhou 510631, P.R. China

Email: yailjiang09@163.com


09/2005 to 06/2010         Bachelor of Medicine. Southeast University, Nanjing, China

09/2012 to 06/2018         PhD in Psychology, Medical Psychological Institute, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha,  China.

 10/2016 - 01/2018        Center of functional MRI, Center for Functional Neuroimaging     

 (cfn.upenn.edu), University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.

Working experiences

09/2018 - present     South China Norma University, School of Psychology


Research interests

    My research primarily focused on neural mechanism of aggression and antisocial behaviors in adolescents, and I will extend my research on the well being of adolescents with multi-dimensional assessments, including MRI, genetics and physiology.