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2013-10-03 11:47:00 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文


题目:Neurocognitive signatures of successful second language learning二语学习成功的神经指标)

报告人: Ping Li 李平教授)

Department of Psychology & Center for Brain, Behavior, and Cognition

Pennsylvania State University 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学




A great deal of research has examined behavioral performance changes associated with second language learning. But what changes are taking place in the brain as learning progresses? How can we identify whether the learner has or has not successfully learned an aspect of the new language? To answer these questions, researchers have developed a variety of methods and paradigms to study the neurocognitive processes of language acquisition. In our research, we have examined the cognitive performance and brain activities associated with second language learning using a fMRI pre-training and post-training paradigm, and attempt to identify the functional connectivity changes over time before and after training on new language vocabulary items. In addition, we identify the individual differences in the participants’ cognitive skills, and link these to participants’ learning success. Our findings indicate that cognitive skills including working memory and attentional control are positively associated with learning outcomes, and that learners develop more efficient and more integrated brain networks across the left and right hemispheres in key brain areas responsible for phonological and lexical-semantic representation and integration. These findings have significant implications for understanding the linguistic ability of the individual, differences between individuals, and the relationships between language abilities and cognitive capacities.


李平教授1983年在北京大学获得语言学学士学位,1990年在荷兰的马普心理语言学研究所获得心理学博士学位。随后在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的语言研究中心和McDonald Pew认知神经科学中心做博士后研究。他于1992年到1996年在香港中文大学任职,1996年转至美国的University of Richmond任心理学和认知科学教授。他目前是美国宾州州立大学的心理学教授、语言学教授、信息科学与技术学教授,兼任脑、行为和认知中心主任,神经科学研究生项目负责人,学习科学研究高级联合中心副主任。李平教授重点关注语言的神经和计算基础。他使用行为、计算和神经成像等方法来研究母语和二语获得与表征的机制。他在心理语言学、双语、认知神经科学等领域发表论著100多篇(部),其中有影响的专著有《The Acquisition   of   Lexical   and   Grammatical   Aspect(词汇和语法获得)》,《The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics东亚心理语言学手册)》,《The  Expression  of  Time时态表达)》,《The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism(双语的心理语言学研究)》,《Having   Success with NSF: A Practical  Guide美国国家科学基金成功申报指南)》等。他目前是杂志《Bilingualism: Language and Cognition》的主编,《Journal of Neurolinguistics》和《Frontiers in Language Science》的副主编。曾任美国计算机心理学学会主席,美国国家科学基金认知神经科学项目组以及感觉、行动和认知项目组评委会主任,同时也是多项美国国家科学基金项目的首席专家。详细信息见:http://cogsci.psu.edu/.or.http://blclab.org/