时 间:2014年5月13日(星期二)下午2:30-5:20
地 点:心理学院 201会议室
题 目:Parafoveal Processing of Chinese Deaf Readers during Sentence Reading (聋人在中文句子阅读过程中对副中央凹区域的信息加工特点)
Phonological processing plays an important role in reading acquisition. However, recent studies suggest that deaf reads might use different coding strategies rather than phonological coding while reading. The present studies aimed to investigate the coding strategy of Chinese deaf readers. Different from the well-known sequential activation route of orthography, phonology, and semantics in alphabetic scripts, Chinese is well-optimized for fast semantic activation. Given the lack of auditory input among deaf readers and the characteristic of Chinese, in the first study, we examined whether Chinese deaf readers have more direct access to parafoveal semantic information. Results clearly indicate parafoveal semantic information is obtained earlier among the deaf readers than reading-level matched hearing readers. In the second study, we asked whether there is a coding strategy that is uniquely adopted by deaf readers. We examined whether sign translation of a word is activated in the parafovea. Results indicate that Chinese deaf readers activate sign language translation of parafoveal words during reading, and processing sign phonologically related previews inhibits recognition of the target words.
题 目:Parafoveal Semantic and Phonological Extraction during Reading (阅读过程中副中央区域的语义和语音信息的提取机制研究)
Parafoveal semantic processing is generally considered as litmus tests of current computational models of eye-movement control. During my talk, I will review relevant features of alphabetic and logographic writing systems which may lead to different predictions for parafoveal semantic and phonological information processing efficiency. Results in different writing systems (English, German, Simplified and Traditional Chinese scripts) from several eye movement experiments using the gaze-contingent boundary paradigm will be presented and discussed: Parafoveal semantic processing has been consistently reported in Chinese but such an effect is generally not observed or is limited to highly restricted situations in English. In addition, using linear mixed models (LMMs), the time course of parafoveal semantic and phonological processing has been explored. In Chinese, very early semantic preview effect has been reported, whereas effective phonological information extraction from the parafovea requires long exposure time to the previews. Taken together, these results are in agreement with our current knowledge: as compared to alphabetic scripts, the Chinese writing system is optimized for early and fast semantic extraction during language evolution.