时 间:2014年12月11日(星期四)下午3:00-5:00
地 点:心理学院5楼学术报告厅
题 目:Understand Vocational Psychology: A Theoretical Synopsis
主讲人:陈品堂 教授
陈品堂博士(英文名 Charles P. Chen) 现任加拿大多伦多大学安大略教育研究院心理咨询学教授暨心理咨询学科部主任,同时也担任由加拿大联邦政府直接委任的“加拿大研究首席教授”(Canada Research Chair - CRC)。陈教授曾先后在加拿大的两所著名学府,即位于温哥华市的卑诗大学(University of British Columbia - UBC) 和目前任职的多伦多大学教学22年。他是多伦多大学2005年度“DEH研究生教学优秀奖”的首位和唯一获得者。是加拿大心理学会资深会士 (Fellow of CPA) 。
陈教授独著及与人合著6部学术著作,也是另外10余部学术专著中的章节作者 (Chapter Author) ,在多种国际重要核心专业学术期刊上发表了50余篇学术论文。这些学术论文和著作涉及心理咨询领域一系列广泛的议题,包括心理压力和应对、跨文化和多元文化的心理研究及咨询、专业心理咨询师的培训方法和过程、高校心理咨询学和方法、中学心理咨询和辅导的探讨、日本森田心理治疗法的研究和应用等。陈教授的重点研究方向是事业及生涯心理学,探索及研究各种与常人一生中生活和事业发展相关的问题。陈教授的学术专著(独著)《事业的奋进:追求跨文化的转型》(英国著名出版社 “Ashgate” 出版),获得2008年度加拿大心理咨询学最佳学术图书大奖。
Understand Vocational Psychology: A Theoretical Synopsis
For most of us as human beings, worklife comprises at least one-third of our total life-span. Whether we love it or hate it, vocational life is part of the mandatory living experiences we have to encounter and live through. In fact, many aspects of our living are directly or indirectly connected to our strong intention for prospective vocational and career well-being. For example, people invest heavily in obtaining quality education and various kinds of professional and technical competency. Along with so many complicated social, societal, environmental, familial, and other influences, the purpose and motivation underlying such knowledge-seeking and skill-acquiring behaviors is that individuals attempt to train or re-train themselves so that they will become more prepared and competitive in starting or re-entering a worklife that would hopefully bring them good and more desirable quality in their vocational life - a life experience that can occupy several decades of their entire life journey.
Following such simple phenomena and rationale, the pivotal importance of gaining some basic understanding of vocational and career psychology is warranted. Career psychology is NOT a myth or abstract concept studied by psychologists in the field, but rather, it is about lay-people’s concrete and down-to-the-earth living experiences we all encounter on a daily basis. This is the central message the current Guest Address intends to deliver to its audience. The address will provide a highly condensed sketch of what vocational and career psychology is all about. Along with a historical and evolutionary flow, the address introduces the essentials and highlights of several selective major and most influential theoretical models in the field. Key theoretical tenets are illustrated in close connection to people’s real life experiences. In doing so, a concrete link is made between theory, research, and practice. Audience without any background in psychology may easily resonate with some of the key concepts, finding them beneficial to self-helping in career exploration and decision making. Similarly, professional helpers such as counsellors and other student service providers may feel more informed and equipped as they apply some of the career theories to help student clients improve school-to-work transition and career well-being.