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5月26日 澳门大学范息涛教授学术讲座

2015-05-22 15:32:00 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

题   目:Use of Effect Size Measures in Social/Behavioral Science Research


时   间:2015年5月26日上午9:00-11:30

地   点:心理学院5楼学术报告厅



 Use and interpretation of effect size in empirical studies have become more important in social and behavioral science research in the last two decades, as this has been advocated as good research practice by professional organizations (e.g., American Psychological Association, or APA). Furthermore, some prominent journals in psychology and education have made it a requirement for reporting effect size in the research findings. However, there is a lack of understanding about the current state of affairs with regard to effect size measures in different analytical contexts. In this talk, the relevance of effect size in empirical studies will be discussed, and effect size measures in different analytical contexts will be illustrated. Finally, some guidelines will be provided in understanding and interpreting effect sizes in empirical studies.



范息涛教授,澳门大学讲座教授、教育学院院长。曾任美国弗吉尼亚大学终身教授、Educational and Psychological Measurement主编。研究方向为教育与心理研究方法、定量方法及其应用、教育测量和跨学科教育研究。2012年获选为美国教育研究学会(AERA)院士。曾参与多由美联邦机构(如美国国家科、教育科研究所、生研究院)和其它金来助的大型研究目。已表的期刊论文籍章100多篇 (其中近90表在被SSCI/SCI 竞争的期刊)容覆同的教育研究研究成果亦被世界各地的广泛引用(如:谷歌学术"搜引用研究成果超8000)

更多范息涛教授的信息请参见: www.umac.mo/fed/staff/xtfan/index.htm