题 目:An ecological, dialogical and distributed perspective on
cognition and language learning
主讲人:Dongping Zheng (郑东萍博士,副教授,University of Hawaii, USA)
时 间:2015年10月8日(10:00-11:30)
地 点:201会议室
郑东萍教授于2006年获得University of Connecticut 教育心理学博士。现任 University of Hawaii, The Department of Second Language Studies 副教授。主要研究应用生态心理学, 对话学,分布认知及语言来扩张以人为中心的传统二语习得理论。 具体课题研究包括虚拟游戏空间环境对语言认知的影响,和以移动无限通讯技术为平台的游戏设计对扩展认知与学习空间,以及社会文化参与于认知的潜能。
From an ecological, dialogical and distributed (EDD) perspective, cognition and learning learning are embodied, situated, dynamic and values-realizing. In tracing the development of EDD views applied to second language (L2) learning with technologies that afford avatar embodiment and place-based interactivity, this talk promotes an action-oriented sociocultural orientation to cognition and L2 learning, i.e., as it takes place in the dynamics of play in massively multiplayer online games (MMOG), such as World of Warcraft (WoW), and multi-user virtual environments, such as Second Life or Active Worlds, as well in the ecological and sociocultural spaces. Research taking an EDD view of language has investigated the educational potentials of multiplayer online environments, highlighting them in a way that a classical cogntive lens could not. This is in part due to the EDD view that human values play a central role in language and cognition, grounding all aspects of perceiving and action that involve intra- and inter-bodily movements.
The talk centers on the following questions: 1) how do studies of L2 learning with games and virtual environments treat contexts: as input vs. as sites with affordances for a range of action potentials; 2) what is the unit of analysis: individual perception vs. perception and action cycles or turn-by-turn utterances vs. co-acted communicative projects; 3) how is language theorized: language is a code vs. differentiation between real-time languaging (accounting for both language and actions) and prescriptive lexicogrammars and discourse-semantic regularities; 4) how is interactivity analyzed: using transcription of utterances or text chat vs. using transcriptions of language and actions from dynamic multimodal texts.