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2015-12-01 16:46:33 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

题  目: What is atypical in an atypical brain?



时  间:2015年12月4日(星期五)上午9:30 —10:30

地  点:心理学院201会议室



The left hemisphere (LH) dominance for language is one of the most important lateralized phenomena in human brain. Its origin and mechanisms, however, are still far from clear. Although most people have LH language dominance, in evolutionary perspective, individual variation is not simply deviations but a critical element of 'survival'. We therefore looked into healthy adults with atypical right hemispheric dominance for speech production, to further investigate the neural mechanisms of lateralized language production and their interaction with other cognitive functions. We are interested in knowing to what extent the frontal language dominance have influences on other language-related functions such as reading, and non-language cognitive functions such as visuo-spatial attention. I will show our recent studies examining to what extent sensory input underlies the side of language dominance in patients with congenital right ear deafness. Further more, gross asymmetry in anatomy is surprisingly only subtly related to functional asymmetry in language. I will also provide an update on our recent studies using graph theory based methods examining resting-state networks in adults with (a) typical language dominance.


   蔡清,上海交大生物技术学士,法国里昂大学认知科学博士。在法国国家科学研究中心语言-大脑-认知实验室(L2C2,CNRS)完成硕博学习,之后在比利时根特大学实验心理学系和法国国家健康中心Neurospin实验室进行博士后研究。主要通过功能性核磁共振(fMRI),事件相关脑电波(ERP)等方法结合行为实验,研究(1)健康被试大脑的功能侧化,结构偏侧,静息态和任务态下的同步低频震荡(Low frequency fluctuations)以及它们之间的相关性,(2)视觉词汇认知,动词加工,语音加工等语言功能之间,以及它们与视觉空间频率信息处理,视觉空间注意机制,数字处理,认知决策等非语言认知功能之间的相关性,(3)儿童发展中的数学和语言学习,特别是它们 “再利用” 相关脑区其他非人类特有认知能力的功能网络的发展机制。

题  目: Neural mechanisms underlying working memory representations and

              processes (工作记忆表征和加工的神经机制)



时  间:2015年12月4日(星期五)上午10:30 —11:30

地  点:心理学院201会议室



The talk covers three topics of my recent work: (1) cross-modal (tactile-visual) and uni-modal (tactile-tactile) working memory, using online transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and EEG to investigate the interaction between primary sensory cortices and association cortices during these processes; (2) attention and working memory, using repetitive TMS and EEG to explore mechanisms implicated in selective attention when enhancing target representation as well as inhibiting distraction during working memory; (3) neural mechanisms underlying the precision of working memory representations, using fMRI and multivariate analyses to study how the precision of representations in working memory decreases with greater load.



    库逸轩,清华大学学士、博士,之后分别在华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院(2010--2012年)、美国加州大学旧金山分校神经内科系(2013—2015年)进行博士后研究。主要研究人类记忆与注意的认知加工过程及其神经机制,采用多种神经成像方法和计算模型进行研究,并将试图将这些机制应用于不同的特殊群体上,如老年人、精神分裂症患者、自闭症谱系障碍儿童等。研究成果发表在Brain Stimulation、European Journal of Neuroscience、Journal of Neurophysiology、Neurobiology of Aging等多个期刊,担任国家自然科学基金项目、国家973项目等多个项目负责人。