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2016-01-14 17:34:59 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

题   目: 认知与情绪在前脑岛皮层的整合

              (Cognition emotion integration in the anterior insular cortex)


时    间:2016年1月21日上午9:00-11:00

地    点:心理学院201会议室


    范津,美国纽约市立大学皇后学院心理学系终身教授,纽约西奈山医学院精神病学、神经科学教授,美国APS(心理科学联合会)Fellow,中国科学院海外评审专家。他是Frontiers in Behavioral NeuroscienceFrontiers in Neuropsychiatric Imaging and StimulationScientific Reports等期刊的编委,是Neuron, BrainPNAS71个期刊的审稿人。多年来,他运用磁共振成像、脑电、心理生理学、及计算机模型等技术,在人类注意的神经网络,认知控制,及认知与情感的交互作用研究领域取得了多项突出成果。在Nature Review NeurosciencePNASBrainCerebral CortexJournal of NeuroscienceNeuroImage等国际重要期刊上发表论文近120篇,撰写著作章节10余篇,目前论文引用已达10530余次(H指数44)。其有关前脑岛在共情中作用的研究,得到了Science Daily等多家重要媒体的报道。

更多范津教授的信息请参见: http://people.qc.cuny.edu/Faculty/Jin.Fan/Pages/People.aspx


Cognition is defined as an ensemble of mental processes, including language, memory, attention, and problem solving, while emotion refers to subjective experience, associated with physiological and behavioral changes, related to interaction with the internal and external environment. Many contemporary theories suggest that these processes work via separate, and often competing, processes. However, recent theoretical and empirical work suggests that there are cognitive and emotional components to most human experiences and that they are potentially integrative rather than parallel. By manipulating the emotional intensity (the level of empathetic emotion: no pain vs. pain) and the cognitive processing load (low vs. high load: body part vs. laterality judgments), we have identified behavioral and functional neuroanatomical interactions. Specifically, we have shown that cognitive and affective processes involve common brain structures, such as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the anterior insula (AI). However, cognition-emotion integration occurs in the AI, not in the ACC. Lesion of the AI, but not the ACC, is associated with the deficit of cognition-emotion integration. These findings suggest that the AI functions as a hub of cognition-emotion integration to mediate subjective experience while the ACC works to implement related cognitive control. The main results from three experiments will be reported in this talk and the roles of other brain regions/networks in cognition-emotion integration will also be discussed.