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2016-01-19 17:53:30 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

题  目:Building work attachment from a job redesign


主讲人:王海江 博士候选人

        (荷兰,Eindhoven University of Technology)

时  间:2016年1月20日(星期三)上午10:00-11:50

地  点:心理学院201室



 王海江,本科就读于郑州大学通信工程专业,硕士就读于北京大学心理学系工业与组织心理学方向,2013年至今博士就读于荷兰Eindhoven University of Technology,工业与组织心理学方向,博士导师为Evangelia Demerouti教授。他的研究课题涉及工作压力、工作设计、领导力和员工的前瞻性行为。他的研究成果发表在应用心理学国际顶级期刊上,如:Journal of Applied Psychology(第一作者), Journal of Vocational Behavior, 和 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology(第一作者)等。另外,王海江还担任多家国际期刊的审稿人,并兼职香港岭南大学应用心理学系的统计顾问。



   Organization researchers have been interested for decades in understanding how employees become psychologically attached at work. This is because the attachment between an employee and his or her work has been shown to predict important work-related attitudes and behaviors. Therefore one important goal for organizations is to develop employee psychological attachment at work. One way to build employee work attachment is through the redesign of the work environment. Job crafting(精雕细琢工作法) represents a promising job redesign approach in which employees themselves take initiatives to make changes to their job characteristics. In this talk, I will present a model which depicts: 1) why, how and when job crafting can develop employee work attachment; 2) Dispositional and situational predictors of job crafting; and 3) the dynamic process of attachment and detachment at workplace.