题 目:生物医学研究的新趋向和相关统计问题
(Emerging Issues and Statistical Challenges in Biomedical Research)
主讲人:王晓非副教授 (美国杜克大学)
时 间:6月23日(周四)下午4:00-5:30
地 点:心理学院201会议室
Part 1
The credibility of scientific discovery in biomedical research has greatly damaged by high-profile scandals and poor reproducibility rate for well-known research findings. This talk will discuss several high-prolife cases and how data falsification, poor research practice and misused statistical methods execrated the problem. Recommendation on good clinical research practice will be made to improve reproducibility of biomedical research.
Part 2
In the era of personalized medicine, an increasing number of cancer drugs are being developed to target specific genetic variations among patients. Biomarker-integrated randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are essential tools for evaluating drug effects of specific patient groups with different biomarker status, as well as the utility of the putative biomarker for treatment selection. We will review several important designs for biomarker-integrated RCTs and discuss their advantages and limitations, and illustrate with examples how to choose different designs in practice.
王晓非副教授,早年于华东师范大学心理系获学士学位(1990年),1993年于北京大学心理系获硕士学位并留校任教,1994年赴美国北卡大学 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)攻读博士学位,2003年获生物统计学博士学位,之后至今先后任职于杜克大学(Duke University)医学院生物统计和生物信息学系(Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics) 助理教授、副教授。同时,目前他还是杜克大学癌症研究所的生物统计学家、肿瘤学联盟临床试验委员会(Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology Group)的高级统计学家、统计学和数据中心联盟(Alliance Statistics and Data Center)的统计学主任。他是多个生物统计和医学杂志的副主编。他主要的研究兴趣是癌症临床试验和转化研究的研究设计和分析工作,是多项NIH(美国国家健康研究院)研究项目的主持人,已在相关领域的国际重要学术期刊发表学术论文70余篇。