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8月25日 Diego Lozano-Soldevilla博士学术讲座

2016-08-22 16:06:58 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

题  目:视知觉与注意中的神经生理振荡机制

报告人:Dr. Diego Lozano-Soldevilla

时  间:2016年8月25日(周四)下午3:00-4:00

地  点:心理学院301


Diego Lozano-Soldevilla 博士,博士毕业于拉德堡奈梅亨大学Donders研究所,Donders研究所fieldtrip开发组的核心成员,指导教授是Ole Jesen。现为法国国家科学研究院脑与认知研究中心博士后,指导教授为Rufin VanRullen。主要研究方向是结合运用电生理技术EEG, MEG与药理学、眼动追踪、心理物理法以考察大脑的神经振荡活动是如何影响人们的知觉和注意的,从而揭示注意加工过程中视知觉的节律本质。


Title: Neurophysiological oscillatory mechanisms underlying visual perception and attention

Abstract: In the following presentation I will discuss the work I conducted in the Donders Center for Neuroimaging (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) during my PhD and at the Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition (Toulouse, France) during my current postdoc. In the first part of my talk I will present a pharmacological study in humans combining MEG and lorazepam (a potent GABAergic enhancer) while participants performed a spatial working memory. We found that gamma PING model from rat hippocampus may generalize to the human visual cortex and alpha working memory power modulations might reflect functional inhibition implemented by physiological excitation mechanisms. I will show that the latter working memory-related alpha modulations are impaired in aging populations. Third, I will show empirical and modelling work demonstrating that neuronal oscillations with non-sinusoidal morphology produce spurious phase-to-amplitude coupling and directionality. In the last part, I will talk about perceptual echoes, a robust occipital ~10 Hz responses obtained cross-correlating white-noise luminance sequences and the simultaneously acquired EEG. Exploiting the spatial dimension of those alpha waves I will show that perceptual echoes behave like travelling waves, propagating through cortex and through the visual field. In line with the “cortical scanning” hypothesis, these results suggest the existence of an addition spatial dimension embedded in the phase of the alpha rhythm.