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2016-09-27 08:51:59 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

题 目:Valence Effect in Time Perception in the Context of Action


主讲人:陆爱桃 副教授(华南师范大学心理学院)

时 间:9月29日(周四)下午4点到5点

地 点:心理学院201会议室


We considered evidence for an important timing effect, valence effect (i.e., negative is longer than positive), and explored it in three experiments, comparing foods in varying action contexts. In Experiments 1 and 2 we found a valence effect: Tasting a sweet food (watermelon) led to temporal underestimations, while sour and bitter foods led to overestimations. However, when the same foods were presented in a lifting context (Experiment 3), temporal durations for the heavier food (watermelon) were overestimated relative to the lighter foods. The reversal of timing relations suggests that valence effects in timing are tied to relevant affordances, not to objects or activities by themselves. Possible reasons for valence effects are explored in terms of action and affordances, as well as arousal and attention, revealing new possibilities for theory and research.