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6月12日新南威尔士大学Joel Pearson教授学术讲座

2017-06-08 21:55:30 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

    目:From hallucinations to the imagination: Seeing what’s not there and measuring it


主讲人:Joel Pearson教授 The University of New South Wales




Cases of visual awareness without a corresponding stimulus occur in special conditions, such as pathological hallucinations, dreaming, mental imagery, synaesthesia and some illusions. Hallucinations can also be perceived as sweeping waves of visibility that occur when exposed to full field luminance flicker. However, a primary problem with such percepts is the inability to objectively measure the ‘hallucinated’ content. Here, I will talk about new methods to objectively measure two different types of visual phantom perception: mental imagery and flicker induced hallucinations. Using perceptual methods, we have shown that visual phantoms or non-retinal vision can be local in visual space, undergo adaptation and priming, are linked to visual cortex anatomy, and can even be bistable. These new methods provide novel tools to investigate the constructive nature of visual awareness in function and dysfunction.


Joel Pearson,心理学家、神经科学家,长期从事于科学创新前沿,国际健康和医学研究委员会(NHMRC)成员,新南威尔士大学认知神经科学教授以及Pearson实验室(致力于认知神经科学的研究)主任。2007年起被评为Vision Research 的审稿人,曾在Proceeding of the National Academy of SciencesTrends in cognitive sciencesCurrent BiologyCerebral Cortex等国际重要心理学和神经科学学术期刊上发表具学术影响力论文数十篇。