题 目:Multimodal Analysis of Video-based Process Data
主讲人:郑东萍副教授(University of Hawaii)
题 目:Impartiality, Friendship and the Confucian Tradition
主讲人:Andrew Lambert 博士(City University of New York)
时 间:2017年6月14日(星期三)上午9:20-12:00
地 点:心理学院201会议室
美国康涅狄克州大学(University of Connecticut) 教育心理学博士。 现任教世界上首屈一指的美国夏威夷大学二语研究系 (Department of Second Language Studies)。国际互动关系,语言及认知社常任理事,语言旗舰技术创新中心学术顾问,广东外语外贸大学云山学者。其学术论文发表于世界著名的语言与跨文化交流国际期刊,例如:International Communication of Chinese Culture, Modern Language Journal, Language Sciences, International Journal of Learning and Media, CALICO, ReCALL, Australian Journal of Education Technology.
具体课题研究包括:1. 怎样通过设计虚拟游戏空间环境扩展其跨文化交流与协调的功能性,及跨文化双向互动对语言认知与文化交流技巧的影响;2. 用移动无限通讯技术为平台的游戏设计让中国文化渗入到地方处所,从而让汉语学习者达到即时的学以致用,扩展认知,学习和文化交流空间,以及社会文化参与,认知 和实现价值的潜能;3. 创新立足于国学,适于亚洲文化社会的的语言学习理论与实践。主要提出“行动协商”理论(Negotiation for Action),“言语行动的价值实现”理论(Languaging as Values-realizing),和“关护行动语言学习”理论(Language Learners as Caretakers),从语言学习者到跨文化场所体验者(From Language Learner’s identity to Cross-Cultural and Place-Taking Persons).
From an ecological, dialogical and distributed (EDD) perspective, cognition and learning are embodied, situated, dynamic and values-realizing. In tracing the development of EDD views applied to second language (L2) learning with technologies that afford avatar embodiment and place-based interactivity, this talk promotes an action-oriented sociocultural orientation to cognition and L2 learning. Such holistic learning requires new research methods to reveal how learning occurs and new learning results. Such results may include cultivated team relationships, friendships, coordination skills, cultural awareness. Multimodal analysis is one of the inclusive methods that can partially answer new research questions under the EDD views.
从生态,对话和分布(EDD)的角度来看,认知和学习是具身性的,处所性的,动态的和价值观的实现。通过技术创造第二语言(L2)动态学习环境是当今势在必行的趋势。这个环境供具身实践和基于处所的交互性学习。学习者以促进合作协调行为导向为主. 此讲座探讨怎样运用视频过程数据来研究动态学习。 那么有哪些新的研究方法来展示这样的动态学习呢?多模式分析是EDD观点下可以回答新研究问题的包容性方法之一。
Andrew Lambert (林安迪)博士简介:
Andrew Lambert (林安迪)博士,助理教授(City University of New York, College of Staten Island, New York, USA),美国夏威夷大学比较哲学博士,美国比较哲学教学学会的创世人之一,任教于美国纽约城市大学斯塔腾岛学院哲学系 (City University of New York, College of Staten Island),他师从中西比较哲学家安乐哲Roger T. Ames教授,主要论著有《关怀伦理学和儒家思想》《公正、亲密的友谊和儒家传统》《李泽厚的决定论与个体自由问题》《现代中国哲学英译中的作者与读者》《中国哲学教学中的挑战和方法》《球迷的道德观》等等。林教授也作为学术翻译家,即将出版中国著名学者李泽厚的杰作《中国古代思想史论》的英文首版。
其学术论文发表于世界著名的哲学与汉学国际期刊,例如:Philosophy East and West (中西哲学), Journal of Chinese Philosophy, China Review International, Metaphilosophy, 华东示范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)等。
This paper explores the relationship between friendship and morality. Two ideas have been influential in the history of moral philosophy: the impartial standpoint and close friendship. These two perspectives on thought and action can conflict, however, and such a case is presented.
In an attempt to resolve this tension, and understand the assumptions that give rise to it, I explore an alternative conception of moral conduct and friendship suggested by early Confucian thought. Within this account, moral conduct is that which aims at harmony, understood as the appropriate blending of different elements. This suggests a conception of friendship, ‘event friendship’, which realizes harmony through a focus on shared activities, and the quality of interaction achieved between people as they participate in shared social events. This account offers a novel way of conceptualizing friendship, which also avoids the tension between the impartial standpoint and close friendship.