题 目:Functional neuroanatomy of cognitive control: A meta-analysis (认知控制的大脑功能定位:来自一项元分析的研究)
主讲人:陈彩琦 副教授(华南师范大学心理学院)
时 间:11月23日(周四)下午4点到5点
地 点:心理学院301会议室
摘 要
Cognitive control consists of mental operations that coordinate thoughts and actions under uncertainty in accordance with goal-directed behavior. It is necessary for the executive functions of conflict resolution, response inhibition, task-set switching, working memory, and decision making, among others. Although there is emerging evidence of a common cognitive control network across many cognitive domains, this network has been partially linked to some functions of cognitive control, such as conflict processing, which is a special case of increased uncertainty. In this study, we employed large-scale meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies involving manipulations of uncertainty to examine whether a common cognitive control network (CCN) is involved in uncertainty processing across various cognitive domains. We found that in addition to unique modality- and domain-specific regions, there was common activation in areas typically associated with the frontoparietal network (frontal eye fields and areas near/along the intraparietal sulcus) as well as dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the cingulo-opercular network (anterior cingulate cortex/supplementary motor area, anterior insular cortex, and thalamus), and striatum (caudate and putamen). These results demonstrate that these regions and networks constitute the CCN, which supports the modality- and domain-general uncertainty resolution in higher-order cognitive functions by interacting with modality- and domain-specific brain regions and networks.