题 目:Fading and Filling-in in Human Perception
主讲人:Lothar Spillmann(弗莱堡大学教授)
时 间:2018年3月29日(星期四)上午10:00-11:00
地 点:心理学院201室
Lothar Spillmann教授在弗莱堡大学获博士学位,1964年入麻省理工学院任研究助理,1971年就职于弗莱堡大学。后在达特茅斯学院、中国香港大学、中国科学院等研究机构任客座教授。主要研究方向是:使用多种认知神经科学的方法研究视知觉、视神经科学等,具体包括运动知觉、颜色知觉、错觉等内容。其论文发表在《Trends in Neurosciences》,《Human Brain Mapping》,《Journal of Neuroscience》,《Psychological Science》等高水平杂志上。
Since Troxler's original observation in 1804, fading and filling-in phenomena have aroused the interest of researchers and have been systematically studied only during the last 30 years. Fading is due to local adaptation and is comparable to a stimulus lowered to subthreshold. When a percept fades, the void may be replaced by properties from the surrounding background. This is called filling-in.We have found that filling-in of the blind spot requires relatively little surround information. Psychophysical and neurophysiological experiments suggest that filling-in is achieved by long-range horizontal interaction beyond the classical receptive field. Candidates are visual areas V1-3.