题 目:The neurocomputational mechanisms underlying the learning of
cognitive control
时 间:2018年9月14日(星期五)上午10:00-11:00
地 点:心理学院201室
江界峰,2014年于杜克大学心理系获博士学位,现为斯坦福大学心理系博士后;以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Nature Communications, eLife, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Cerebral Cortex 和 Journal of Neuroscience等杂志发表论文10篇;主要研究方向为认知控制,学习与记忆,以及三者之间的互动。
“Cognitive control” refers to a collection of neurocognitive mechanisms that align behavior with internal goals through top-down modulations on neural information processing, and hence plays a key role in adaptive behavior. Despite of its importance in adaptive behavior, cognitive control is costly, both in terms of consuming limited cognitive processing capacity and in terms of the opportunity cost of not dedicating that processing capacity to other cognitive functions. Ideally, the exertion of control should therefore be carefully titrated to achieve a desired goal while limiting potential costs. This gives rise to a central question in current cognitive psychology and neuroscience: how does the brain know how much cognitive control is needed? Recent theoretical advances provide a new perspective on the regulation of cognitive control based on expectations of cognitive control demand. This has sharpened the aforementioned question to ‘how does the brain learn and predict cognitive control demand, and adjust cognitive control accordingly?’ In this talk, I will present some of our recent work to address this question.