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迎八十五周年校庆心理学院系列学术活动之Lora Likova教授学术讲座

2018-11-08 14:50:43 来源:华南师范大学心理学院 点击: 收藏本文

    目:Harnessing the power of ‘visual’ art: Memory-drawing training drives rapid

                 neuroplasticity and enhances cognition

主讲人:Lora Likova教授




Lora Likova,美国史密斯凯特威尔眼科研究院教授。她的主要研究领域包括神经可塑性、学习和艺术的相关脑机制、失明康复(通过一系列的认知和运动训练)、视力缺陷、以及盲人和正常视力者的多模式感觉运动加工过程。


The mechanisms of adult neuroplasticity remain elusive, and can best be studied with an effective and rapid training intervention. Drawing, and in particular, memory drawing, has the unique advantage of orchestrating a wide-range of cognitive functions. My novel conceptual framework postulates that space transcends any sensory modality and, consequently, drawing can transcend vision and be considered spatial art rather than solely visual art. Based on this framework, I have developed a memory-guided drawing intervention, the Cognitive-Kinesthetic Drawing Training, to study a broad range of causative mechanisms of brain reorganization in a diverse sample of blind individuals. The dramatic effectiveness and efficiency of the training in the blind inspired the launch of an international Collaborative Network that I lead, which is currently adapting and testing the training to the normally sighted. As a whole, our findings manifest the power of art training when based on the requisite cognitive principles - to change both brain and behavior even in the blind and visually impaired, underlining the importance of such an approach in education, neuro-rehabilitation and society as a whole.


Likova LT (2018) Brain reorganization in adulthood underlying a rapid switch in handedness induced by training in memory-guided drawing. In Neuroplasticity. Ed. Chaban V. ISBN 978-953-51-5598-0.

Cacciamani L, Likova LT (2017) Memory-guided drawing training increases Granger causal influences from the perirhinal cortex to V1 in the blind. Neurobiol Learn Mem. 141:101-107. doi:10.1016/j.nlm.2017.03.013.

Likova L T (2014). Learning-based cross-modal plasticity in the human brain: Insights from visual deprivation fMRI. In: Advanced Brain Neuroimaging Topics in Health and Disease-Methods and Applications, 327–358, http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/54835.

Likova LT (2013) A cross-modal perspective on the relationships between imagery and working memory. Front.Psychology, 3:561. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.00561