题目:Cracking the Neurocomputational Mechanisms of Flexible (Social) Behaviour in Health and Disease
时间:2025年3月4日 上午10:30
主讲人简介:张磊,英国伯明翰大学心理学院副教授。于2011年毕业于北京师范大学心理学院(现心理学部),并于西班牙巴斯克认知、语言与大脑研究所取得硕士学位(2013年),于德国汉堡大学医学中心系统神经科学研究所取得博士学位(最高荣誉毕业;2018年),后在奥地利维也纳大学心理学院从事研究与教学工作。研究致力于解析复杂社会情境中人类灵活性与适应性行为的认知神经基础,以及相应的在精神障碍疾患中出现的认知神经缺陷。综合采用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)以及计算建模,尤其是强化学习模型等技术研究人类的社会决策、社会互动、社会学习。主要工作发表在Science Advances,PLOS Biology,eLife、Psychological Methods等杂志。担任Communications Biology、PLOS Computational Biology等期刊编委会成员,以及欧盟ERC、英国UKRI、以及瑞士SNSF等科研基金委审稿专家。2022获美国美国心理科学协会学术新星表彰(APS Rising Star Award)。网站:https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/psychology/zhang-lei
讲座内容:Flexible (learning) behaviour refers to the adaptive change of behaviour in response to changing environmental contingencies. Although flexible learning behaviour has been studied extensively in the past, very little is known about its neurocomputational mechanism. In this talk, I will first illustrate how to assess flexible learning behaviour through the lens of computational modelling, then I will showcase two studies, one (fMRI study) focusing on flexible learning in a social context, and the other (behavioural study with large sample) focusing on flexible learning in individuals with autism. These studies are expected to motivate new research avenues in social neuroscience and computational psychiatry.