- 姓名:陈骐
- 学历:博 士
- 职称:教授
- 职务:
- 研究方向:三维空间中的视觉和空间注意机制;跨通道注意;视错觉
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:qi.chen27@gmail.com
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院(510631)
- 个人主页:
陈骐,华南师范大学心理学院,二级教授、博士生导师。主要利用心理物理法、虚拟现实、眼动、功能磁共振成像、脑电和立体定向脑电结合脑机接口技术,研究:1、 听力正常和听觉障碍人群中视空间注意的认知神经机制。2、 多感觉通道选择性注意过程中的感觉通道主导效应。3、 空间注意与执行功能之间的相互作用。4、 人脑背腹侧通路在三维空间选择性注意过程中的不同作用。
1、1995.9 ~ 1999.6,东北师范大学攻读心理学学士学位
2、1999.9 ~ 2002.6,东北师范大学攻读心理学硕士学位
3、2002.9 ~ 2006.6,北京大学攻读心理学博士学位
4、2003. 10 ~ 2005. 12,德国 Juelich 国家研究中心,医学与神经科学研究所,博士联合培养 (导师:Professor Gereon R. Fink, Professor John C. Marshall)
1、2006.09 ~ 2008.12, 于德国Juelich国家研究中心的医学与神经科学研究所博士后
3、2015. 07 ~2019.07,美国普林斯顿大学,神经科学研究所,visiting fellow (Host: Professor Sabine Kastner)
4、2019.12 至今,德国于利希研究中,神经科学与医学研究所,visiting professor (Host: Professor Gereon R. Fink)
4、Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 编委会审稿编辑
6、国际杂志审稿人: Cognition; Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping 等
代表作 (Peer-reviewed journal articles):
*: corresponding author
1. Li, Y., Seger, C., Chen, Q.* , & Mo, L.* (2020). Left Inferior Frontal Gyrus Integrates multisensory Information in Category Learning. Cerebral Cortex. 131, 195-209. (5-year impact factor: 5.087)
2. Shen, L., Han, B., Chen, L.,Chen, Q.* (2019). Perceptual inference employs intrinsic alpha frequency to resolve perceptual ambiguity. PLoS Biology, 17(3):e3000025. (5-year impact factor: 7.302)
3. Liu, N., Li, H., Su, W.,Chen, Q.* (2017). Common and Specific Neural Correlates underlying the Spatial Congruency Effect Induced by the Egocentric and Allocentric Reference Frame. Human Brain Mapping, 38(4):2112-2127. (5-year impact factor: 4.987)
4. Huang, S., Li, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, B., Liu, X., Mo, L., Chen, Q.*(2015). Multisensory Competition is Modulated by Sensory Pathway Interactions with Fronto-Sensorimotor and Default-Mode Network Regions. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(24): 9064-9077. (5-year impact factor: 5.839)
5. Chen, Q.*, & Zhou, X. (2013). Vision Dominates at the Pre-response Level and Audition Dominates at the Response Level in Cross-modal Interaction: Behavioural and Neural Evidence. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(17): 7109-7121. (5-year impact factor: 5.839)
6.Chen, Q.*, Weidner, R., Vossel, S., Weiss, P., Fink, G. R. (2012). Neural Mechanisms of Attentional Reorienting in Three-Dimensional Space. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(39): 13352-13362. (5-year impact factor: 5.839)
7. Chen, Q., Marshall, J.C., Weidner, R., & Fink, G.R.* (2009). Zooming In and Zooming Out of the Attentional Focus: An fMRI Study. Cerebral Cortex, 19: 805-819. (5-year impact factor: 5.087) 完整英文 SCI 文章列表: Peer-reviewed journal articles, published or in press:
1. Liu, N., Pinheiro-Chagas, P., Sava-Segal, C., Kastner, S., Chen, Q., & Parvizi., J. (2021). Overlapping Neuronal Population Responses in the Human Parietal Cortex during Visuospatial Attention and Arithmetic Processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience , Aug 12:1-11.
2.Yang, Y., Weiss, P.H., Fink, G.R., Chen, Q.* (2021) Hand preference for the visual and auditory modalities in humans. Scientific Reports. 11(1):7868.
3.Lopes, M. A., Zhang, J., D Krzemiński., K Hamandi., Chen, Q., & Livi, L., et al. (2020). Recurrence quantification analysis of dynamic brain networks. European Journal of Neuroscience. 53(4): 1040-1059.
4.Su, W., Guo, Q., Li, Y., Zhang, K., Zhang., Y. N., & Chen, Q.*. (2020). Momentary lapses of attention in multisensory environment. Cortex. 131, 195-209.
5. Li, Y., Carol, S., Chen, Q., * & Mo, L*. (2020). Left inferior frontal gyrus integrates multisensory information in category learning. Cerebral Cortex. 30(8): 4410-4412
6. Fang, Y., Li, Y., Xu, X., Tao, H., & Chen, Q.* (2020). Top-down attention modulates the direction and magnitude of sensory dominance. Experimental Brain Research, 1-14.
7. Li, H., Liu, N., Li, Y., Weidner, R., Fink, G. R., & Chen, Q.* (2019) The Simon Effect Based on Allocentric and Egocentric Reference Frame: Common and Specific Neural Correlates. Scientific Report, 9(1):13727.
8. Shen, L., Han, B., Chen, L., Chen, Q.* (2019). Perceptual inference employs intrinsic alpha frequency to resolve perceptual ambiguity. PLoS Biology, 17(3):e3000025.
9. Li, Z., Gu, R., Qi, M., Cen, J., Zhang, S., Gu, J., Zeng, X.*, Chen, Q.* (2019) Loss of Vision Dominance at the Preresponse Level in Tinnitus Patients: Preliminary Behavioral Evidence. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
10.Xia, J., Zhang, W., Jiang, Y., Li, Y., Chen, Q.* (2018). Neural Practice Effect during Cross-modal Selective Attention: Supra-modal and Modality-specific Effects. Cortex, 106:47-64.
11. Li, Z., Gu, R., Zeng, X.*, Qi, M., Cen, J., Zhang, S., Gu, J., Chen, Q.* (2018) Eyes and Ears: Cross-Modal Interference of Tinnitus on Visual Processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1779.
12. Zeng, H.*, Su, D., Wang, P., Wang, M., Vollstädt-Klein, S., Chen, Q.* , Ye, H.* (2018) The Action Representation Elicited by Different Types of Drug-Related Cues in Heroin-Abstinent Individuals. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12:123.
13. Yao, X. Q., Yang, Y. Q., Chen, S. Y., Sun, W., & Chen, Q.* (2018). Visual dominance effect upon passing the central bottleneck of information processing. Chinese Medical Journal, 131(16), 1926.
14 Zeng, H., Weidner, R., Fink, G., Chen, Q.* (2017). Neural Correlates underlying the Attentional Spotlight in Human Parietal Cortex Independent of Task Difficulty. Human Brain Mapping, 38(10): 4996-5018
15. Jiang, Y., Xia, J., Li, S., Chen, J., Wang, P., Chen, Q.* (2017). Neural Dynamics underlying Varying Attentional Control facing Invariant Cognitive Task upon Invariant Stimuli. Neuroscience, 353:133-146.
16. Xia, J., Wang, P., Chen, Q.* (2017). Neural Correlates underlying Size Constancy in Virtual Three-Dimensional Space. Scientific Report, 7(1):3279.
17. Liu, N., Li, H., Su, W., Chen, Q.* (2017). Common and Specific Neural Correlates underlying the Spatial Congruency Effect Induced by the Egocentric and Allocentric Reference Frame. Human Brain Mapping, 38(4):2112-2127.
18. Kastner, S.*, Chen, Q., Jeong, S.K., Mruczek, R.E.B. (2017) A brief comparative review of primate posterior parietal cortex: a novel hypothesis on the human toolmaker. Neuropsychologia, 105:123-134.
19. Li, Y., Liu, M., Zhang, W., Huang, S., Zhang, B., Liu, X., Chen, Q.* (2017) Neurophysiological Correlates of Visual Dominance: A Lateralized Readiness Potential Investigation. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:303.
20. Zhang, W., Liu, X., Zuo, L., Guo, Q., Chen, Q.,, Wang, Y.* (2017). Ipsiversive ictal eye deviation in inferioposterior temporal lobe epilepsy-Two SEEG cases report. BMC Neurology, 17:38.
21. Wang, A., Li, Y., Zhang, M., Chen, Q.* (2016). The Role of Parieto-Occipital Junction in the Interaction between Dorsal and Ventral Streams in Disparity-Defined Near and Far Space Processing. PLOS One, 11(3):e0151838.
22. Jiang, Y., Li, S., Li, Y., Zeng, H., Chen, Q.* (2016). Effect of Retinal Size of the Peripheral Cue on Attentional Orienting in Two- and Three-dimensional World. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78(5): 1285-1292.
23.Shen, L., Zhang, M., Chen, Q.* (2016). The Poggendorff Illusion Driven by Real and Illusory Contour: Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms.Neuropsychologia, 85: 24-34.
24. Wang, A., Liu, X., Chen, Q.* , Zhang, M.* (2016). Effect of different directions of attentional shift on inhibition of return in three-dimensional space. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78(3):838-47.
25. Wang, H., Liu, N., Zou, G., Li, H., Zeng, H., Chen, J., Chen, Q.* (2016). The Simon Effect Based on the Egocentric and Allocentric reference frame. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78: 427-436.
26. Wang, A., Yue, Z., Zhang, M., Chen, Q.* (2015). Interaction between Spatial Inhibition of Return (IOR) and Executive Control in Three-dimensional Space. Experimental Brain Research, 233(11): 3059-3071.
27.Yue, Z., Jiang, Y., Li, Y., Wang, P., Chen, Q.* (2015). Enhanced visual dominance in far space. Experimental Brain Research, 233(10): 2833-2843.
28. Huang, S., Li, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, B., Liu, X., Mo, L., Chen, Q.* (2015). Multisensory Competition is Modulated by Sensory Pathway Interactions with Fronto-Sensorimotor and Default-Mode Network Regions. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(24): 9064-9077.
29.Li, Y., Mo, L., Chen, Q.* (2015). Differential contribution of velocity and distance to time estimation during self-initiated time-to-collision judgment. Neuropsychologia, 73: 35-47.
30.Peng, X., Li, Y., Wang, P., Mo, L., Chen, Q.* (2015). The ugly truth: negative gossip about celebrities and positive gossip about self entertain people in different ways. Social Neuroscience, 12: 1-17.
31. Chi, Y., Yue, Z., Liu, Y., Mo, L., Chen, Q.* (2014). Dissociable Identity- and Modality-specific Neural Representations as Revealed by Cross-modal Non-Spatial Inhibition of Return. Human Brain Mapping, 35(8): 4002-4015.
32. Zhang, M., Tang, X., Shen, L., Wang, A., Geng, S., Chen, Q.* (2014) Interaction between Allocentric and Egocentric Reference Frames in Deaf and Hearing Populations. Neuropsychologia, 54: 68-76.
33. Weidner, R., Plewan, T., Chen, Q.,, Buchner, A., Weiss, P.H., Fink, G.R. (2014) The moon illusion and size-distance scaling--evidence for shared neural patterns. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(8):1871-1882.
34. Chen, Q.* , & Zhou, X. (2013). Vision Dominates at the Pre-response Level and Audition Dominates at the Response Level in Cross-modal Interaction: Behavioural and Neural Evidence. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(17): 7109-7121.
35.Li, Y., Zhong, W., Chen, Q.* , Mo, L*. (2013). Object detection is completed earlier than object categorization: Evidence from LRP and N200.Psychophysiology, 50(12): 1255-1262.
36. Wang, P., Fuentes, L.J., Vivas, A.B., Chen, Q.* (2013). Behavioral and neural interaction between spatial inhibition of return and the Simon effect. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7: 572.
37.Chen, Q.* , Weidner, R., Vossel, S., Weiss, P., Fink, G. R. (2012). Neural Mechanisms of Attentional Reorienting in Three-Dimensional Space. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(39): 13352-13362.
38.Chen, Q.* , Weidner, R., Weiss, P., Marshall, J., Fink, G. R. (2012). Neural Interaction between Spatial Domain and Spatial Reference Frame in Parietal-Occipital Junction. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(11): 2223-2236.
39.Wang, L., Yue, Z., Chen, Q.* (2012). Cross-modal Non-spatial Repetition Inhibition. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74 (5): 867-878.
40. Chen, X., Chen, Q., Gao, D., Yue, Z. (2012). Interaction between Endogenous and Exogenous Orienting in Crossmodal Attention. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54 (3): 303-308.
41.Chen, Q., Fuentes, L.J.*, Zhou, X.* (2010). Biasing the Organism for Novelty: a Pervasive Property of the Attention System. Human Brain Mapping, 31: 1146-1156.
42. Chen, Q.* , He, G., Chen, K., Jin, Z., Mo, L. (2010). Altered Spatial Distribution of Visual Attention in Near and Far Space after Early Deafness. Neuropsychologia, 48: 2693-2698.
43. Chen, Q.,, Marshall, J.C., Weidner, R., & Fink, G.R.* (2009). Zooming In and Zooming Out of the Attentional Focus: An fMRI Study. Cerebral Cortex, 19: 805-819.
44.Zhou, X., Chen, Q.* (2008). Neural correlates of spatial and non-spatial inhibition of return (IOR) in attentional orienting. Neuropsychologia, 46: 2766-2775.
45. Chen, Q., Zhang, M., & Zhou, X.* (2007). Interaction between location- and frequency-based inhibition of return in human auditory system. Experimental Brain Research, 176(4): 630-640.
46.Chen, Q., Wei, P., & Zhou, X.* (2006). Distinct neural correlates for resolving stroop conflict at inhibited and non-inhibited locations in inhibition of return (IOR). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18: 1937-1946.
47.Chen, Q., Zhang, M., & Zhou, X.* (2006). Effects of spatial distribution of attention during inhibition of return (ior) on flanker interference in hearing and congenitally deaf people. Brain Research, 1109(1): 117-127.
48.Chen, Q., Zhang, M., & Zhou, X.* (2006). Spatial and nonspatial peripheral auditory processing in congenitally blind people. Neuroreport, 17(13): 1449-1452.
*: corresponding author
1、 陈可平, 金志成, 陈骐. 听障人群的工作记忆机制. 心理科学进展,2009, (6).
2、 张明,陈骐. 工作记忆子成分在听觉障碍儿童心算过程中的作用. 心理科学,2006,(1).
3、 张明,陈骐. 听觉障碍人群的注意加工机制. 中国特殊教育,2005,(8).
4、 郝晶,李坤成,陈骐,王岩,彭晓哲,周晓林. 人脑注意网络神经基础的功能 MRI 研 究. 中华放射学杂志,2005,(6).
5、 陈骐,刘岩,周晓林. 自上而下注意控制的脑成像研究进展. 心理科学,2005,(1).
6、 郝晶,李坤成,王葳,杨彦辉,陈骐,王岩. Alzheimer 病注意缺陷的功能 MRI 研究. 同济大学学报(医学版),2004,(3).
7、 张明,陈骐. 注意定势对基于空间位置的返回抑制的影响. 心理科学,2004,(2).
8、 郝晶,李坤成,王岩,陈骐,彭晓哲,周晓林. 语义判断中选择与抑制机制的功能MRI 研究. 中国医学影像技术,2004,(2).
9、 张明,陈骐. 听觉障碍人群的皮层可塑性. 中国特殊教育,2003,(4).
10、 张明,陈骐. 听觉障碍人群的言语机制. 心理科学进展,2003,(5).
11、 金志成,陈骐. 一般性注意资源限制对返回抑制的影响. 心理学报,2003,(2).
12、 张明,陈骐, 金志成. 前、后注意网络的关系——返回抑制和 Stroop 干扰效应. 心理科学,2003,(4).
13、 张明,陈骐. 注意定势及时间不确定性对基于空间的返回抑制的影响. 应用心理学,2002,(3).
14、 张明,陈骐. 记忆提取研究的新进展. 心理科学进展,2002,(2).
15、 张明,陈骐. 任务需求对基于位置的返回抑制和基于颜色的重复劣势效应的影响. 心理学报,2002,(5).
16、 金志成,陈骐. 空间选择性注意研究的新进展——返回抑制的研究. 心理科学,2000,(6).
17、 Zhang Ming, Chen Qi. Negative Priming at Cued and Uncued Locations in Spatial Orienting. 心理学报, 2003 Vol.35 Supplement.
Fuentes, L.J., Vivas, A.B., Langley, L.K., Chen, Q., González-Salinas, C. (2011). Inhibitory mechanisms in the attentional networks: a multidisciplinary approach. In M.I. Posner (Eds.), Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention(2nd Edition), Guilford Press, NY.
1、 2010.01-2012.12   国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“三维空间注意的认知神经 机制”,项目号:30970895,项目负责人。
2、2011.01-2013.12   国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“听力正常与听觉障碍人群脑中自我参照系统与环境参照系统之间的交互作用”,项目号:31070994,项目负责人。
3、2014.01-2017.12   国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“速度和距离对三维空间中时空整合的不同影响:行为与神经证据”,项目号:31371127,项目负责人。
4、2019.01-2022.12   国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“靶刺激出现前感觉系统内神经活动的变化对感觉通道主导方向的因果效应”,项目号:31871138,项目负责人
5、2021.01-2024.12   国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“人类感觉通道主导效应与利手效应之间交互作用的行为和神经机制”,项目号:32071052,项目负责人。
6、2009.01-2013.12   教育部全国百篇优秀博士学位论文作者专项资金资助 “基于位置和基于频率的听觉返回抑制的神经机制”,项目号:200907,项目负责人。
7、2012.12-2015.12   教育部新世纪人才支持计划“不同加工水平上的感觉通道主导效应”,项目负责人。
8、2011.08-2013.8  教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金“空间返回抑制与 Simon效应之间交互作用的认知神经机制”,项目负责人。
9、2014.01-2016.12   广东省“千百十人才培养工程”第七批省级培养对象资助项目,项目负责人。
10、2011.05-2016.05   广东省教育厅高等学校人才引进专项基金“三维空间中注意聚光灯和注意变焦镜的认知神经机制”,项目负责人。
11、2009.01-2014.01   华南师范大学 211 工程创新团队科研启动经费,项目负责人。
fMRI short course