- 姓名:封春亮
- 学历:北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室 博士
- 职称:
- 职务:副教授
- 研究方向:社会认知与学习(亲社会行为、社会规范、从众);高级情绪(自豪、羞愧、后悔、尴尬);自我认知偏差;催产素;后叶加压素;脑成像;计算建模
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:chunliang.feng@m.scnu.edu.cn
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院421
- 个人主页:
中山大学心理学系学士,北京师范大学脑与认知科学研究院(认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室)博士,美国Emory大学人类学系 访问学者,北京师范大学计算机科学与技术学院博士后(“博士后创新人才支持计划”)。于2019年加入华南师范大学心理学院。作为通讯作者和第一作者发表过多篇包括Clinical Psychology Review, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews,NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Brain Structure and Function, Psychological Medicine, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience等国际刊物在内的SCI/SSCI论文60余篇。此外,还曾担任Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, Human Brain Mapping, Neuroimage, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Scientific Reports, Brain and Cognition, Biological Psychology, Neuropsychologia, PloS One等学术期刊的审稿人。
主要研究方向包括1)1. 从众行为的动机以及神经机制,主要关注从众行为的动机以及不同动机的协调;2. 社会学习的计算神经机制,考察人们如何在社会互动过程中习得自己和别人的关系的(如上下等级);3. 利他行为的神经机制以及社会情境的影响;人们在社会决策中如何考虑一些社会性的因素(如不要在身体或者情感上伤害到别人),人们愿意为这些社会性的因素付出多大经济上的代价;4. 利用脑成像的指标结合机器学习技术来预测人们的性格和社会行为:根据人们的一些脑指标(如结构形态)来预测一个人多自恋、多信任别人,或者孤独感等等;5. 人们高级情绪(如尴尬、自豪、愧疚等)的加工以及它们对亲社会行为的影响;6. 自我认知偏差,如人们自我感觉良好的神经机制;7. 催产素以及后叶加压素等神经肽药物对人们社会行为的影响。
研究手段包括:心理学实验设计,眼动,EEG/MEG,多模态脑成像技术(fMRI,MRI,DTI),病人及药物研究以及计算建模等。 人的社会属性是人之所以为人的本质。对人类社会行为的考察不仅能够帮助我们理解生活中的种种现象,也有助于特殊群体(如自闭症、抑郁症以及焦虑症)社会功能缺损的机制。
#共同一作; *通讯作者
1. Zhang, Y., Zhai, Y., Zhou, X., Zhang, Z., Gu, R., Luo, Y. J., & Feng, C.* (2023). Loss context enhances preferences for generosity but reduces preferences for honesty: Evidence from a combined behavioural‐computational approach. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(1), 183-194. (硕士研究生一作; SSCI; IF: 3.93)
2. Deng, G., Ai, H., Qin, L., Xu, J., Feng, C.*, & Xu, P.* (2022). Dissociated modulations of intranasal vasopressin on prosocial learning between reward-seeking and punishment-avoidance. Psychological Medicine, 1-13. (SCI; IF: 10.592)
3. Feng, C.*#, Huang, W.#, Xu, K.#, Stewart, J. L., Camilleri, J. A., Yang, X., ... & Eickhoff, S. B. (2022). Neural substrates of motivational dysfunction across neuropsychiatric conditions: Evidence from meta-analysis and lesion network mapping. Clinical Psychology Review, 102189. (SSCI; IF: 11.397)
4. Li, T., Pei, Z., Zhu, Z., Wu, X., & Feng, C.* (2022). Intrinsic brain activity patterns across large‐scale networks predict reciprocity propensity. Human Brain Mapping, 43(18), 5616-5629. (研究助理一作; SCI; IF: 4.421)
5. Feng, C., Krueger, F., Gu, R.*, & Luo, W.* (2022). Decoding fear of negative evaluation from brain morphology: A machine-learning study on structural neuroimaging data. Quantitative Biology, 10(4), 390-402.
6. Chen, X., Liu, J., Luo, Y. J.*, & Feng, C.* (2023). Brain Systems Underlying Fundamental Motivations of Human Social Conformity. Neuroscience Bulletin, 1-15. (硕士研究生一作; SCI; IF: 5.271)
7. Lin, W., Zhang, Z., Zhou, X., Luo, Y. J.*, & Feng, C.* (2022). Overlap between mental representations of nationalities modulates perceptual matching. Current Psychology, 1-12. (硕士研究生一作; SSCI; IF: 4.297)
8. Song, S.*#, Wu, M.#, & Feng, C.* (2022). Early influence of emotional scenes on the encoding of fearful expressions with different intensities: an event-related potential study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. (SCI; IF: 3.473)
9. Li, T., Yang, Y., Krueger, F., Feng, C.*, & Wang, J.* (2021). Static and Dynamic Topological Organizations of the Costly Punishment Network Predict Individual Differences in Punishment Propensity. Cerebral Cortex. (研究助理一作; SCI; IF: 5.357)
10. Feng, C.*, Eickhoff, S. B., Li, T., Wang, L., Becker, B., Camilleri, J. A., ... & Luo, Y.* (2021). Common brain networks underlying human social interactions: evidence from large-scale neuroimaging meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 126, 289-303. (SCI; IF: 8.329)
11. Feng, C.*, Gu, R.*, Li, T., Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Luo, W., & Eickhoff, S. B. (2021). Separate neural networks of implicit emotional processing between pictures and words: A coordinate-based meta-analysis of brain imaging studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 131, 331-344. (SCI; IF: 8.329)
12. Feng, C.*, Thompson, W. K., & Paulus, M. P.* (2022). Effect sizes of associations between neuroimaging measures and affective symptoms: A meta‐analysis. Depression and anxiety, 39(1), 19-25. (SCI; IF: 6.505)
13. Chen, X., Xu, Y., Li, B., Wu, X., Li, T., Wang, L., ... & Feng, C.* (2021). Intranasal vasopressin modulates resting state brain activity across multiple neural systems: Evidence from a brain imaging machine learning study. Neuropharmacology, 190, 108561. (硕士研究生一作; SCI; IF: 5.251)
14. Chen, X., Xu, Z., Li, T., Wang, L., Li, P., Xu, H., ... Feng, C.* & Liu, C.* (2021). Multivariate morphological brain signatures enable individualized prediction of dispositional need for closure. Brain imaging and behavior, 1-16. (硕士研究生一作; SSCI; IF: 3.978)
15. Chen, X., Li, S., Zhang, Y., Zhai, Y., Zhang, Z., & Feng, C.* (2022). Different drives of herding: An exploratory study of motivations underlying social conformity. PsyCh Journal. (硕士研究生一作; SSCI; IF: 1.513)
16. Feng, C.*, Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., & Yuan, J. (2021). Prosocial Gains and Losses: Modulations of Human Social Decision-Making by Loss-Gain Context. Frontiers in psychology, 12. (SSCI; IF: 2.988)
17. Feng, C.*#, Yang, Q.#, Azem, L., Atanasova, K. M., Gu, R., Luo, W., ... & Krueger, F.* (2022). An fMRI investigation of the intention-outcome interactions in second-and third-party punishment. Brain imaging and behavior, 16(2), 715-727.
18. Feng C., Krueger F., Gu R.*, Luo W.* (2022). Decoding fear of negative evaluation from brain morphology: A machine-learning study on structural neuroimaging data. Quantitative Biology, in press.
19. Li, S., Chen, X., Luo, Y., & Feng, C*. (2021). Dissociable associations of alexithymia and altruistic propensity with distinct cognitive processes underlying moral decision making. Current Psychology, 1-12. (硕士研究生一作; SSCI; IF: 2.051)
20. Li, S., Chen, X., Zhai, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., & Feng, C*. (2021). The computational and neural substrates underlying social learning. Advances in Psychological Science, 29(4), 677. (硕士研究生一作; in Chinese)
21. Li, T., Wang, L., Camilleri, J. A., Chen, X., Li, S., Stewart, J. L., Jiang, Y., Eickhoff, S., & Feng, C*. (2020). Mapping common grey matter volume deviation across child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. (两位研究助理共同一作, 现均已就读博士研究生; SCI; IF: 8.329)
22. Feng, C#*., Zhou, X#., Zhu, X., Zhu, R., Han, S., & Luo, Y. J*. (2020). Effect of intranasal oxytocin administration on self-other distinction: Modulations by psychological distance and gender. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 120, 104804. (硕士研究生共同一作; SCI; IF: 4.732)
23. Feng, C*., Zhu, Z., Cui, Z., Ushakov, V., Dreher, J. C., Luo, W., Gu, R., Wu, X*., & Krueger, F. (2021). Prediction of trust propensity from intrinsic brain morphology and functional connectome. Human brain mapping, 42(1), 175-191. (SCI; IF: 4.421)
24. Zhang, W#., Feng, C#., Zhang, Y., Guan, Q., Luo, Y., & Yang, S. (2021). The Effects of Aversive Mood State on the Affective Anticipation and Perception: An Event-Related Potential Study. Neuroscience, 458, 133-140. (SCI; IF: 3.056)
25. Feng, C#*., Qin, L#., Luo, Y., & Xu, P*. (2020). Intranasal vasopressin expedites dishonesty in women. Hormones and Behavior, 126, 104843. (SCI; IF: 3.684)
26. Krueger, F., Bellucci, G., Xu, P., & Feng, C*. (2020). The Critical Role of the Right Dorsal and Ventral Anterior Insula in Reciprocity: Evidence From the Trust and Ultimatum Games. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14. (SCI; IF: 2.673)
27. Wu, X#., Feng, C#., Zhang, S., Liang, Z., Dong, W., Qin, S., Luo, Y. J., & Liu, C. (2020). The selfish nature in interpersonal exchange among adolescents: imposing the kind and submitting to the exploitative. bioRxiv.
28. Feng, C., Forthman, K. L., Kuplicki, R., Yeh, H. W., Stewart, J. L., & Paulus, M. P. (2019). Neighborhood affluence is not associated with positive and negative valence processing in adults with mood and anxiety disorders: A Bayesian inference approach. NeuroImage: Clinical, 22, 101738. (SCI; IF: 4.35)
29. Lu, X., Li, T., Xia, Z., Zhu, R., Wang, L., Luo, Y. J*., Feng, C*., & Krueger, F. (2019). Connectome‐based model predicts individual differences in propensity to trust. Human brain mapping, 40(6), 1942-1954. (SCI; IF: 4.421)
30. Feng, C., Wang, L., Li, T., & Xu, P. (2019). Connectome-based individualized prediction of loneliness. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 14(4), 353-365. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 3.571)
31. Wu, X#., Feng, C#., He, Z., Gong, X., Luo, Y. J., & Luo, Y. (2019). Gender-specific effects of vasopressin on human social communication: An ERP study. Hormones and behavior, 113, 85-94. (SCI; IF: 3.684)
32. Gu, R#, Huang, W#, Camilleri, J., XuA P, Eickhoff, S. B., Wei P*, Feng C*. (2019). Love is analogous to money in human brain: coordinate-based and functional connectivity meta-analyses of social and monetary reward anticipation. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. (SCI; IF: 10.5)
33. Lu, X #, Li, T#, Xia, Z, Zhu, R, Wang, L, Luo, YJ*, Feng, C*, Krueger, F. (2019). Connectome-based model predicts individual differences in propensity to trust. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI; IF: 5.0)
34. Feng C, Yuan J, Geng H, Gu R, Zhou H, Wu X, Luo YJ* (2018). Individualized prediction of trait narcissism from whole-brain resting-state functional connectivity. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI; IF: 5.0)
35. Luo Y., Eickhoff S.B., Sebastein, H., Feng C* (2018). Social Comparison in the Brain: A Coordinate-Based meta-Analysis of Functional Brain Imaging Studies on the Downward and Upward Comparisons. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI; IF: 5.0)
36. Chen, T., Becker, B., Camilleri, J., Wang, L., Yu, S., Eickhoff, S. B., & Feng, C*. (2018). A domain-general brain network underlying emotional and cognitive interference processing: evidence from coordinate-based and functional connectivity meta-analyses. Brain Structure and Function, 3813–3840. d (SCI; IF: 4.231)
37. Bellucci, G#, Feng, C#, Camilleri, J., Eickhoff, S. B., & Krueger, F. (2018). The role of the anterior insula in social norm compliance and enforcement: evidence from coordinate-based and functional connectivity meta-analyses. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 378-389. (SCI; IF: 10.5)
38. Feng, C#., Yan, X#., Huang, W., Han, S., & Ma, Y*. (2018). Neural representations of the multidimensional self in the cortical midline structures. NeuroImage, 183, 291-299. (SCI; IF: 5.835).
39. Feng C*, Becker B, Huang W, Wu X, Eickhoff S, Chen T*(2017). Neural substrates of the emotion-word and emotional counting Stroop tasks in healthy and clinical populations: A meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies. NeuroImage. (SCI; IF: 5.835)
40. Feng C, Azarian B, Ma Y, Feng X, Wang L, Luo YJ*, Krueger F (2017). Mortality salience reduces the discrimination between in‐group and out‐group interactions: A functional MRI investigation using multi‐voxel pattern analysis. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI; IF: 5.0)
41. Feng C, Deshpande G, Liu C, Gu R, Luo YJ*, Krueger F (2016).Diffusion of responsibility attenuates altruistic punishment: a functional magnetic resonance imaging effective connectivity study. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI; IF: 4.5)
42. Wang L, Lu X, Gu R, Zhu R, Xu R, Broster L, Feng C* (2016). Neural substrates of context‐and person‐dependent altruistic punishment. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI; IF: 4.5)
43. Wu H, Luo Y, Feng C* (2016). Neural signatures of social conformity: A coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. (SCI; IF: 8.3)
44. Feng C, Feng X, Wang L, Tian T, Li Z, Luo YJ* (2016). Social hierarchy modulates neural responses of empathy for pain. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. (SCI, SSCI; IF: 3.5).
45. Feng C, Luo YJ*, Krueger F (2015). Neural signatures of fairness-related normative decision making in the ultimatum game: A coordinate-based meta-analysis. Human Brain Mapping. (SCI; IF: 5.0)
46. Zhu, R., Liu, C., Li, T., Xu, Z., Fung, B., Feng, C.*, ... & Wang, L.* (2019). Intranasal oxytocin reduces reactive aggression in men but not in women: A computational approach. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 108, 172-181. (SCI; IF: 4.013)
47. Feng C#, Cui, Z#, Chen D, Xu R*, Gu R* (2019). Individualized prediction of dispositional worry using white matter connectivity. Psychological Medicine. (SCI; IF: 5.475)
48. Feng, C., Cao, J., Li, Y., Wu, H*., & Mobbs, D. (2018). The pursuit of social acceptance: aberrant conformity in social anxiety disorder. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 13(8), 809-817. (SCI, SSCI; IF: 3.5)
49. Feng, C., Feng, X., Wang, L., Wang, L., Gu, R., Ni, A., ... & Luo, Y. J*. (2018). The neural signatures of egocentric bias in normative decision-making. Brain imaging and behavior, 1-14. (SCI; IF: 3.719)
50. Chen T#, Kendrick K#, Feng C#, Sun S, et al. (2016). Dissociable early attentional control mechanisms underlying cognitive and affective conflicts. Scientific Reports. (SCI; IF: 5.578)
51. Luo Y, Feng C*, Wu T, Broster LS, Cai H, Gu R*, Luo YJ (2015). Social Comparison Manifests in Event-related Potentials. Scientific Reports. (SCI; IF: 5.578)
52. Feng C, Wang L, Liu C, Zhu X, Dai R, Mai X, Luo YJ* (2012). The time course of the influence of valence and arousal on the implicit processing of affective pictures. PLoS One. (SCI; IF: 3.23)
53. Feng C, Luo Y, Gu R*, Broster LS, Shen X, Tian T, Luo YJ*, Krueger F (2013). The flexible fairness: Equality, earned entitlement, and self-interest. PLoS One. (SCI; IF: 3.23)
54. Feng C, Lori A, Waldman ID, Binder EB, Haroon E, Rilling JK* (2015). A common oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) polymorphism modulates intranasal oxytocin effects on the neural response to social cooperation in humans. Genes brain and behavior. (SCI; IF: 3.66)
55. Wu, X, Xu, P, Luo, YJ*, & Feng, C*. (2018). Differential effects of intranasal vasopressin on the processing of adult and infant cues: an ERP study. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12. (SCI; IF: 2.871)
56. Feng, C#., Zhu, Z#., Gu, R., Wu, X*., Luo, Y. J*., & Krueger, F. (2018). Resting-state functional connectivity underlying costly punishment: A machine learning approach. Neuroscience, 385, 25-37. (SCI, IF: 3.382)
57. Tian T, Feng X, Gu R, Broster LS, Feng C*, Wang L, Guan Q*, Luo YJ (2015). Modulation of the brain activity in outcome evaluation by the presence of an audience: An electrophysiological investigation. Brain Research. (SCI; IF: 2.84)
58. Tian T, Feng X, Feng C*, Gu R, Luo YJ* (2015). When rapid adaptation paradigm is not too rapid: Evidence of face-sensitive N170 adaptation effects. Biological Psychology. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 3.403)
59. Feng C, DeMarco AC, Haroon E, Rilling JK* (2015). Neuroticism modulates the effects of intranasal vasopressin treatment on the neural response to positive and negative social interactions. Neuropsychologia. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 3.30)
60. Feng C, Tian T, Feng X, Luo YJ* (2015). Attention modulations on the perception of social hierarchy at distinct temporal stages: An electrophysiological investigation. Neuropsychologia. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 3.30)
61. Feng C, Hackett PD, DeMarco AC, Chen X, Stair S, Haroon E, Ditzen B, Pagnoni G, Rilling JK* (2014). Oxytocin and vasopressin effects on the neural response to social cooperation are modulated by sex in humans. Brain Imaging and Behavior. (SCI; IF: 4.598)
62. Feng C, Li W, Tian T, Luo Y, Gu R, Zhou C, Luo YJ* (2014). Arousal modulates valence effects on both early and late stages of affective picture processing in a passive viewing task. Social Neuroscience. (SCI; IF: 2.66)
63. Feng C, Luo YJ*, Fu S* (2013). The category‐sensitive and orientation‐sensitive N170 adaptation in faces revealed by comparison with Chinese characters. Psychophysiology. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 2.986)
64. Feng C, Wang L, Wang N, Gu R, Luo YJ* (2012). The time course of implicit processing of erotic pictures: An event-related potential study. Brain Research. (SCI; IF: 2.84)
65. Feng C, Zhou H*, Liang Y, Yi L (2012). Two faces of narcissism and romantic attraction: Evidence from a collectivistic culture. Psychological Reports. (SSCI; IF: 0.56)
66. Feng C, Luo YJ*. The neural modulations of voluntary and automatic emotion regulation. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science, 2010, 19, 1054-1055. (in Chinese)
67. Feng C, Ma W, Wang Y, Luo YJ*. The influence of arousal in emotional Stroop effect. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science, 2011, 20, 757-758. (in Chinese)
68. Feng C, Luo YJ*. An study to compare supraliminal and subliminal emotional Stroop effects. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science, 2011, 20, 973-976 (in Chinese)
69. Chen X, Hackett PD, DeMarco AC, Feng C, Stair S, Haroon E, Ditzen B, Pagnoni G, Rilling JK* (2016). Effects of oxytocin and vasopressin on the neural response to unreciprocated cooperation within brain regions involved in stress and anxiety in men and women. Brain Imaging and Behavior. (SCI; IF: 4.598)
70. Luo Y, Wu T, Broster LS, Feng C, Zhang D, Gu R*, Luo YJ* (2015). The temporal course of the influence of anxiety on fairness considerations. Psychophysiology. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 2.986)
71. Chen T, Kendrick KM, Feng C, Yang S, Wang X, Yang X, Lei D, Wu M, Huang X, Gong Q*, Luo YJ* (2014). Opposite effect of conflict context modulation on neural mechanisms of cognitive and affective control. Psychophysiology. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 2.986)
72. Luo Y, Feng C, Gu R, Wu T, Luo YJ* (2013). The fairness norm in social decision-making: behavioral and neuroscience studies. Advances in Psychological Science. (in Chinese)
73. Fu S*, Feng C, Guo S, Luo YJ*, Parasuraman R (2012). Neural adaptation provides evidence for categorical differences in processing of faces and Chinese characters: An ERP study of the N170. PLoS One. (SCI; IF: 3.23)
74. Li JZ, Gui DY, Feng C, Wang WZ, Du BQ, Gan T, Luo YJ* (2012). Victims’ time discounting 2.5 years after the Wenchuan Earthquake: An ERP study. PLoS One. (SCI; IF: 3.23)
75. Wang L, Fu S, Feng C, Luo W, Zhu X, Luo YJ* (2012). The neural processing of fearful faces without attention and consciousness: An ERP study. Neuroscience Letters. 4 (SCI; IF: 2.03)
76. Xu, R., Yang, J., Feng, C., Wu, H., Huang, R., Yang, Q., ... & Luo, Y. J. (2017). Time is nothing: emotional consistency of autobiographical memory and its neural basis. Brain imaging and behavior, (SCI; IF: 3.719)
77. Tang, H., Lu, X., Cui, Z., Feng, C., Lin, Q., Cui, X., ... & Liu, C. (2018). Resting-state functional connectivity and deception: exploring individualized deceptive propensity by machine learning. Neuroscience, (SCI; IF: 3.382)
78. Xu, J., Van Dam, N. T., Feng, C., Luo, Y., Ai, H., Gu, R., & Xu, P. (2018). Anxious brain networks: a coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of resting-state functional connectivity studies in anxiety. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. (SCI; IF: 10.5)
79. Zhang, D., Lin, Y., Jing, Y., Feng, C., & Gu, R. (2019). The dynamics of belief updating in human cooperation: Findings from inter-brain ERP hyperscanning. NeuroImage, 198, 1-12. (SCI; IF: 5.902)
80. Zhu, R., Feng, C., Zhang, S., Mai, X., & Liu, C. (2019). Differentiating guilt and shame in an interpersonal context with univariate activation and multivariate pattern analyses. NeuroImage, (SCI; IF: 5.835)
81. Wu, X., Feng, C., Xu, J., He, Z., Luo, Y., & Luo, Y. (2019). The Effects of vasopressin on human social behaviors. Advances in Psychological Science, 27(5), 811-820. (in Chinese)
82. Wu, H., Feng, C., Lu, X., Liu, X., & Liu, Q. (2020). Oxytocin effects on the resting-state mentalizing brain network. Brain imaging and behavior, 1-12. (SCI; IF: 3.391)
83. Zhang, D., Shen, J., Bi, R., Zhang, Y., Zhou, F., Feng, C., & Gu, R. (2020). Differentiating the abnormalities of social and monetary reward processing associated with depressive symptoms. Psychological Medicine, 1-15. (SSCI, SCI; IF: 5.813)
84. Ren, J., Ding, R., Li, S., Zhang, M., Wei, D., Feng, C., ... & Luo, W. (2022). Features and Extra-Striate Body Area Representations of Diagnostic Body Parts in Anger and Fear Perception. Brain Sciences, 12(4), 466.
85. Zhu, R., Xu, Z., Su, S., Feng, C., Luo, Y., Tang, H., ... & Liu, C. (2021). From gratitude to injustice: Neurocomputational mechanisms of gratitude-induced injustice. NeuroImage, 245, 118730. (SCI; IF: 5.902)
86. Zhou, X., Wang, Y., He, W., Li, S., Jia, S., Feng, C., ... & Luo, W. (2023). Time Pressure Weakens Social Norm Maintenance in Third-Party Punishment. Brain Sciences, 13(2), 227.
87. 邬霞, 李锐, & 封春亮. (2021). 基于智能计算的脑机制研究. 智能系统学报, 16(5), 850-856.
88. 吴小燕, 何振宏, 封春亮, 龚栩, & 罗跃嘉. (2018). 成人加工婴儿刺激材料的神经机制. 心理学通讯,(1), 8.
89. 甄珍, 秦绍正, 朱睿达, 封春亮, & 刘超. (2017). 应激的脑机制及其对社会决策的影响探究. 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 53(3), 372-378.
1. 计算机科学在社会神经科学领域的应用:公平决策的个体差异与神经药理机制(60万,BX201600019),2016.10 – 2018.10,博士后创新人才支持计划。已结项。
2. 社会规范的共同神经表征:多体素模式分析的脑成像研究(8万)2017.06-2018.10,博士后面上项目一等。已结项。
3. 社会规范与决策中内群体偏好的认知神经机制(25万,31900757)2020.01~2022.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目;已结项。
4. 儿童青少年的社会规范行为的发展特征:计算认知神经科学的视角(广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,主持,立项日期:202011;项目金额:10万元);在研。
5. 时间感影响决策的脑机制(国家自然科学基金-国际合作重点项目,第三主要参与人,32020103008;立项日期:202009;负责项目金额:51万元);在研。
6. 人际关系结构的学习及其对规范行为影响的认知计算神经机制(54万,32271126)2023.01~2026.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目;在研。
1. 第十届吴文俊人工智能自然科学奖一等奖:基于智能计算的脑机制研究
2. 第三届瀚翔青年科学奖(中国心理学会脑电相关技术专业委员会,2020)。
3. 四川省自然科学二等奖:情绪和执行功能的认知与脑机制(第三主要完成人,2021)
1. (G)LMM入门:
提取码: link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1tZOAx4C2Ifur1bCBgqlMeQ?pwd=dpig
2. 基于坐标点的脑成像元分析(ALE):