- 姓名:吴晨静
- 学历:博士
- 职称:
- 职务:
- 研究方向:美育;环境心理学;食物心理
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:wuchenjing@m.scnu.edu.cn
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院
- 个人主页:
1. Wu, C. J., Zhu, H., Huang, C., Liang, X., Zhao, K., Zhang, S., ... & He, X*. (2022). Does a beautiful environment make food better-The effect of environmental aesthetics on food perception and eating intention. Appetite, 175(2):106076.
2.Wu, C. J., Huang, C., Zhu, H., Yu, Y., Zhang, C., Zhang, W., & He, X*. (2022). Solid or Liquid Food—The Intention to Eat Different Foods under Negative Emotions. Foods, 11(9), 1180.
3.Wu, C. J.#, Liang, X.,# Duan, Y., Gong, L.L., Zhang, W., He, M. C., & He, X*. (2022). The Voice of Morality: The Two-Way Relationship Between the Beauty of Voice and Moral Goodness. Journal of Voice. 22, 135-137.
4.Wu, C. J., Zhu, H., & He, X. (2022).Sensitivity to moral goodness under different aesthetic contexts. Ethics & behavior.
5.Wu, C. J., Liang, X., Zhao, K., Zhu, H., Huang, C., & Zhang, S., Zhang, W., & He, X*. (2022). Ugly food, not eat: the eating intention of emotional eater for different esthetic food. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 27(7), 2889-2896.
6.Wu, C. J., Zhao, K., Zhu, H., Huang, C., Liang, F., & Ouyang, Y., Zhang, W., & He, X*.(2023). Beautiful environment, beautiful heart-the role of environmental aesthetic on moral education. European Journal of developmental psychology.
7.Zhang, S. Y., Su, L. X#., Qian, J. Z., Liang, F. Q., Wei Zhang, W., He T. Q., Wu, C. J*., He, X. Y*. (2024). Eaten beauty needs replenishing :the impact of beautiful plate patterns on plate waste. International journal of gastronomy and food science.(In press)
8. Zhang, S. Y., Su, L. X#., ...... He, X. Y*., Wu, C. J*.(2024). Unperceived, the impact of information gap design plateware on food waste.
9.康廷虎, 吴晨静.(2019). 情景间语义关系对语义关联判断的影响. 心理与行为研究, 17(1), 7.
10.Liang F., Wu, C. J., Zhu, M. Q., Chatterjee, A., Wang, H., He, D. X., Zhang W., & He, X*.(2022). Appreciating Paintings of the Virtuous:The Influence of Perceived Artist Morality on Aesthetic judgment of Their Works. Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts.
11.Zhang, S., Qian, J., Wu, C. J., He, D., Zhang, W., Yan, J., &He, X*. (2022). Tasting More Than Just Food: Effect of Aesthetic Appeal of Plate Patterns on Food Perception. Foods, 11(7).
12.He, M., He, X*., Zheng, Z., Deng, J., & Wu, C. J. (2021). The impact of action observation and motor imagery on the aesthetic preference of Chinese calligraphy. PsyCh Journal.