- 姓名:王东方
- 学历:博士
- 职称:特聘研究员
- 职务:
- 研究方向:临床与健康心理学
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:wdfpsyc@126.com;wangdf@m.scnu.edu.cn
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院711-1
- 个人主页:
王东方,华南师范大学心理学博士,心理学院特聘研究员,硕士生导师。研究方向为健康心理学/临床心理学应用,主要通过人群队列、脑电技术、基因分析等方式开展青少年睡眠问题与精神病样体验发展与转化的心理生理机制研究,以及青少年心理危机筛查和健康促进的应用研究。相关研究成果在European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry、Sleep、Journal of Affective Disorders、Schizophrenia Research、Psychiatry Research、Journal of Psychiatric Research等领域内权威期刊发表。担任Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific、Sleep、Journal of Adolescence、BMC Medicine、Journal of Affective Disorders等期刊审稿人。
2012.9-2016.6 湖南农业大学/教育学院 应用心理学 学士
2016.9-2017.6 张家界慈利县金坪中学 大学生“西部计划”计划
2016.9-2020.6 湖南农业大学/教育学院 心理健康教育 硕士
2015.9-2019.8 中南大学/湘雅二医院 精神病与精神卫生学 联合培养
2020.9-2023.6 华南师范大学/心理学院 心理学(健康心理学) 博士
2023.10-至 今 华南师范大学/心理学院 特聘研究员 青年英才一类
英文论文:Dongfang Wang (researchgate.net)
#共同第一作者 (co-first author); *通讯作者(corresponding author)
Li M, Zhang Y, Huang M, Ma Z, Wang D*, Fan F*. Associations of weekend compensatory sleep and weekday sleep duration with psychotic-like experiences among Chinese adolescents. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024, 372:627-634.
Zhang Y#, Ye H#, Huang M, Li M, Li H, Zhang X, Lin J, Liu H, Wu H, Wang D*, Fan F*. Changes in insomnia symptoms among compulsory education students in China after the "Double Reduction" policy: a two-wave longitudinal study. BMC Psychiatry. 2024. 24(1):945.
Chen X, Xu B, Wang D*. Mental health literacy buffers the association between nightmare distress and psychotic-like experiences among college students. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2024.
Ma Z#, Wang D#, Yu Z, Wu W, Zhao S, Li Y, LY, Fan Y*, Fan F*. Longitudinal trajectories of sleep inertia among intern nurses with shift work in China: Prevalence, risk factors and outcome. Journal of Sleep Research. 2024. e14405.
Li M#, Wang D#, Chen H, Shi X, Ma Z*, Fan F*.Changes in network structures of fatigue and insomnia among female intern nurses with shift work: a longitudinal study. Current Psychology. 2024.
Ye H, Liu Y, Cai Z, Jiang N, He S, Yu W, Zhao R, Cheng T, Wang D*, Fan F*. The Asymmetric Moderating Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty in the Longitudinal Reciprocal Associations between Sleep Disturbance and Internalizing Symptoms: A Two-wave Study among 54,240 Adolescents. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2024.
Ma Z#, Wang D#, Chen XY, Tao Y, Fan F*. Revealing the potential causality of suicidal ideation and psychopathic symptoms among survivors 10 years after the Wenchuan earthquake using network analysis. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2024.
Zhang X, Zhang Y, Bu L, Li H, Ye H, Wang D*, Fan F. The trajectories and associations of sleep disturbance symptoms with suicidal ideation in adolescents: A three-wave longitudinal study. Sleep Medicine. 2024, 124:591-597.
Wang D, Li H, Zhang X, Wang X, Qiu Y, Ma Z, Fan Y*, Fan F*. Changes and relevant factors in depressive and anxiety symptoms among Chinese adolescents after the "Double Reduction" policy: A repeated cross-sectional survey with a nested longitudinal subsample. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024, 367:88-95.
Sun Z#, Ma Z#, Xu B, Chen C, Chen Q*, Wang D*. Prevalence of cyberbullying involvement and its association with clinical correlates among Chinese college students. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2024, 367:374-381.
Fan Y#, Wang D#, Wang W, Chen H, Lin J, Lin W, Yin L, Zhang R, Ma Z*, Fan F*. Depression, anxiety, and development of obesity from childhood to young adulthood in China. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2024. 185:111867.
Ma Z#, Fan Y#, Yu Z, Wu W, Zhang X, Li H, Zhao S, Li Y, Li Y, Wang D*, Fan F*. Cross-Lagged Panel Networks of Sleep Inertia Across Its Distinct Change Patterns Among Intern Nurses with Shift Work in China. Nature and Science of Sleep. 2024. 16:1201-1212.
Wang D, Li Y, Fan Y, Ma Z, Sun M, Liu X, Fan F*. Bidirectional associations between short sleep duration, insomnia symptoms, and psychotic-like experiences in adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2024.
Lin J#, Wang D#, Wang W, Chen H, Lin W, Yin L, Ma Z, Fan Y*, Fan F*. Concurrent and longitudinal associations of dissatisfaction with height and weight, body mass index with sleep disturbance among adolescents in China. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2024.
Yang J, Zhai S, Wang D*. Childhood trauma associated with psychotic-like experiences among people living with HIV: The chain mediation effect of stigma and resilience. Schizophrenia Research. 2024, 270: 68–75.
Wang D#, Chen X#, Scherffius A, Yu Z, Wang X, Sun M, Fan F*. Perceived school bullying and psychotic-like experiences in sexual minority adolescents: the mediating and moderating roles of resilience. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2024, 18(1):55.
Sun M, Scherffius A, Sun M, Chen C, Wang D*. Insomnia symptoms as a mediator between school connectedness and suicidal ideation in Chinese adolescents: A three-wave longitudinal model. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2024.
Bu L, Wang D*, Fan Y, Ye H, Liu W, Fan F*. Sleep disturbance and suicidal ideation mediated by psychotic-like experiences in adolescents: a two-wave longitudinal study. Sleep. 2024, 47(3):zsae013.
Hu H, Chen C, Xu B, Wang D*. Moderating and mediating effects of resilience between childhood trauma and psychotic-like experiences among college students BMC Psychiatry. 2024, 24:273.
Wang D#, Ma Z#, Fan Y, Chen H, Sun M, Fan F*. Tobacco smoking, second-hand smoking exposure in relation to psychotic-like experiences in adolescents. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2024, 18(2), 102-112.
Xu B, Chen C*, Wang D*. Current Psychotic-Like Experiences Among Chinese College Students: Prevalence, Correlates, and Its Relationship with Suicidal Ideation. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 2024, 17:799-811.
Wang D, Scherffius A, Ouyang X, Deng Q*. Family functioning and depressive symptoms among HIV-positive men who have sex with men: Mediating roles of stigma and resilience. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 2024, 17: 755-764.
Wang D#, Chen X#, Sun M, Fan F*. Trajectory of adolescents’ nightmares in relation to depression and post - traumatic stress disorder in young adulthood: a 10-year cohort of Chinese Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2024. 59(8):1347-1356.
Wang D#, Ma Z#, Fan Y, Chen H, Liu W, Zhang Y, Zeng H, Fan F*. Associations Between Family Function and Non-suicidal Self-injury Among Chinese Urban Adolescents with and Without Parental Migration. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. 2023.
Chen X#, Wang D#, Scherffius A, Shi X, Wang A, Hu X, Fan F*. Comorbid Trajectories of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Depressive Symptoms in a 10-Year Cohort of Chinese Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors: Course, Predictors, and Consequences. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2023.
Liu W#, Wang D#, Fan Y, Ye H, Bu L, Fan F*. Changes in sleep disturbance among Chinese adolescents: A population-based online survey. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2023, 175: 111515.
Ma Z#, Wang D#, Fu X, Tao Y, Tao Y, Zhang Y, Liu W, Fan F*. Prospective network of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms across adolescent survivors with distinct trajectories of PTSD: A cohort study of the Wenchuan earthquake. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 2023, 99: 102767.
Kang M, Xu B, Chen C, Wang D*. Internet addiction and suicidal ideation among Chinese college students: the mediating role of psychotic-like experiences. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023, 11: 1276496.
Luo X, Yu W*, Yang Z, Wang D*. Psychotic-Like Experiences and Suicidal Ideation Among Adolescents: The Chain Mediating Role of Insomnia Symptoms and Resilience. Psychology Research and Behavior Management. 2023.16: 3519–3530.
Yang Z#, Wang D#, Fan Y, Ma Z, Chen X, Zhang Y, Fan F*. Relationship between sleep disturbance and burnout among Chinese urban teachers: Moderating roles of resilience. Sleep Medicine. 2023, 108: 29-37.
Chen C, He Z, Xu B, Shao J, Wang D*. A latent profile analysis of sleep disturbance in relation to mental health among college students in China. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023, 11: 1107692.
Ye H#, Wang D#, Chen X#, Chen M, Ouyang H, Chen C, Chen S, Ding J, Fan F*. Mediating roles of social support and posttraumatic growth in the relation between mindfulness and quality of life in disaster-exposed survivors. Journal of Public Health. 2023.
Chen X#, Wang D#, Liu X, Shi X, Scherffius A, Fan F*, Liu X. Cumulative stressful events and mental health in young adults after 10 years of Wenchuan earthquake: the role of social support. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 2023, 14(1): 2189399.
Wang D#, Zhou L#, Chen C, Sun M*. Psychotic-like experiences during COVID-19 lockdown among adolescents: Prevalence, risk and protective factors. Schizophrenia Research. 2023, 252: 309-316.
Wang D, Deng Q, Chen H, Wang M, Liu Z, Wang H, Ouyang X*. Profiles of depressive symptoms and influential factors among people living with HIV in China. BMC Public Health. 2023, 23(1): 151.
Wang D, Chen H, Chen J, Ye H, Chen X, Ye L, Yao K, Tu N, Dai H, Fan F*. A comparative study of mental health status among left-behind, migrant, and local adolescents in China. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2023, 324: 521-528.
Wang D#, Ma Z#, Zhai S, Sun M, Fan F*. Sleep disturbance and psychotic-like experiences among urban adolescents with and without parental migration. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023, 10: 1037963.
Wang D#, Ma Z#, Scherffius A, Liu W, Bu L, Sun M, Fan F*. Sleep disturbance is predictive of psychotic-like experiences among adolescents: A two-wave longitudinal survey. Sleep Medicine. 2023, 101: 296-304.
Wang D, Chen X, Ma Z, Liu X, Fan F*. Has the “Double Reduction” Policy relieved stress? A follow-up study on Chinese adolescents. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 2022, 16: 91.
Ma Z#, Wang D#, Chen X, Tao Y, Yang Z, Zhang Y, Huang S, Bu L, Wang C, Wu L, Fan F*. Network structure of insomnia and depressive symptoms among shift workers in China. Sleep Medicine. 2022, 100: 150-156.
Wang D#, Zhao J#, Zhai S, Ye H, Bu L, Fan F*. Does Sleep Disturbance Predicts Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression among College Students during COVID-19 Lockdown? A Longitudinal Survey. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022, 10: 986934.
Wang D#, Chen X#, Zhai S, Fan F*. Gratitude and internalizing/externalizing symptoms among adolescents after the Wenchuan earthquake: Mediating roles of social support and resilience. Journal of Adolescence. 2022, 94(6): 867-879.
Jiang J#, Wang D#, Scherffius A, Chen D, Ma Z, Chen Z, Yu Q, Fan F*. The association between morningness-eveningness preference, depression, anxiety and insomnia among Chinese textile workers with or without shift work. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022, 13: 915476.
Wang D, Chen H, Chen Z, Yang Z, Zhou X, Tu N, Dai H, Sun M, Fan F*. Resilience buffers the association between sleep disturbance and psychotic-like experiences in adolescents. Schizophrenia Research. 2022, 244: 118-125.
Ma Z#, Wang D#, Zhang J#, Zhu Y, Zhang Y, Chen Z, Jiang J, Pan Y, Yang Z, Zhu Z, Liu X, Fang F*. Longitudinal associations between multiple mental health problems and suicidal ideation among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022, 311: 425–431.
Wang D#, Zhao J#, Zhai S, Chen H, Liu X, Fan F*. Trajectories of mental health status during the early phase pandemic in China: A longitudinal study on adolescents living in the community with confirmed cases. Psychiatry Research. 2022, 314: 115656.
Huang S#, Wang D#, Zhang J#, Chen H, Ma Z, Pan Y, Liu X, Fan F*. Changes in suicidal ideation and related influential factors in college students during the COVID-19 lockdown in China. Psychiatry Research. 2022, 314: 114653.
Wang D, Chen H, Chen Z, Liu W, Wu L, Chen Y, Sun M, Fan F*. Current psychotic-like experiences among adolescents in China: Identifying risk and protective factors. Schizophrenia Research. 2022, 244: 111-117.
Wang D#, Zhao J#, Zhai S, Huang S, Yang Z, Pan Y, Liu X, Fan F*. Longitudinal trajectories of insomnia symptoms among college students during the COVID-19 lockdown in China. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 2022, 157: 110795.
Wang D, Zhai S, Chen J, Yao Chen, Hua S, Wang C, Fan F*, Liu X. A positive legacy of trauma? The role of perceived social support on mental health among earthquake survivors during COVID-19 outbreak. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022, 13: 845929.
Wang D, Deng Q, Ross B, Wang M, Liu Z, Wang H, Ouyang X*. Mental health characteristics and their associations with childhood trauma among subgroups of people living with HIV in China. BMC Psychiatry. 2022, 22(1): 13.
Wang D#, Zhao J#, Ross B, Ma Z, Zhang J, Fan F*, Liu X. Longitudinal trajectories of depression and anxiety among adolescents during COVID-19 lockdown in China. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022, 299: 628-635.
Wang D#, Zhou L#, Wang J, Sun M*. The bidirectional associations between insomnia and psychotic-like experiences before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature and Science of Sleep, 2021, 13: 2029-2037.
Wang D, Ross B, Zhou X, Meng D, Zhu Z, Zhao J*, Fan F*, Liu X. Sleep disturbance predicts suicidal ideation during COVID-19 pandemic: A two-wave longitudinal survey. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2021, 143: 350-356.
Wang D, Chen H, Chen D, Zhu Z, Zhou X, Meng D, Fan F*, Liu X. Application of the Chinese version of the 11-item circadian-type inventory (CTI-11) in a working sample. Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 2021, 19: 443–451.
Zhang Y#, Wang D#, Zhao J#, Chen XY, Chen H, Ma Z, Yu Q, Wang T, Chen Z, Jiang J, Zhu Z, Huang S, Fan F*, Liu X. Insomnia and other sleep-related problems during the remission period of the COVID-19 pandemic: A large-scale survey among college students in China. Psychiatry Research. 2021, 304: 114153.
Wang D, Chen H, Zhai S, Zhu Z, Huang S, Zhou X, Pan Y, Meng D, Yang Z, Zhao J*, Fan F*, Liu X. Is returning to school during the COVID-19 pandemic stressful? A study on immediate mental health status of Chinese college students. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2021, 287: 261-267.
Wang D, Chen H, Chen D, Ma Z, Zhang Y, Wang T, Yu Q, Jiang J, Chen Z, Li F, Zhao L, Fan F*, Liu X. Shift work disorder and related influential factors among shift workers in China. Sleep Medicine. 2021, 81: 451-456.
Sun M#, Wang D#, Jing L, Xi C, Dai L, Zhou L*. Psychometric properties of the 15-item positive subscale of the community assessment of psychic experiences. Schizophrenia Research. 2020, 222: 160-166.
Wang D#, Ross B#, Xi C, Pan Y, Zhou L, Yang X, Wu G, Ouyang X*, Si T, Liu Z, Hu X. Medication adherence and its correlates among patients affected by schizophrenia with an episodic course: A large-scale multi-center cross-sectional study in China. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2020, 53: 102198.
中文论文:*通讯作者(corresponding author)
陈春平, 何子耕, 谭子妍, 鞠思磊, 孙梦, 王东方*, 睡眠障碍与大学生自杀意念的关系:一个有调节的中介模型.中国临床心理学杂志, 2023, 31(05): 1112-1116.
陈春平, 孙明泽, 王东方*, 孙梦. 学校联结与大学生现患精神病样体验:心理弹性的中介和调节作用. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2022, 30(04): 959-963.
王东方, 孙梦, 欧阳萱, 范方*. 简版社区心理体验评估测评大学生的效度和信度. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2022, 36(01): 172-178.
王东方, 孙梦*, 经翎, 周亮. 15条目社区心理体验评估阳性分量表中文版测评高中生的效度和信度. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2021, 35(04): 321-327.
王东方, 黄玉洁, 刘思璕, 胡何琼, 陈春平, 谢光荣, 杨新华*, 龙梦晴*. 社会支持与单亲家庭大学生精神病性体验的关系:有调节的中介模型. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2020, 28(06): 1162-1165+1170.
王东方, 姚瑶, 游霞, 黄玉洁, 朱锋, 王敏, 杨新华, 邓奇坚*, 刘哲宁, 王红红, 欧阳萱. HIV/AIDS患者病耻感和心理健康的关系:心理弹性的中介效应. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2020, 28(02): 374-378
王东方, 孙梦, 席畅, 杨新华, Tumbwene Elieza Mwansisya, 欧阳萱, 刘哲宁, 邓奇坚*. 简式版社区心理体验评估问卷的性别和纵向等值性. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2020, 28(01):41-45.
王东方, 刘彩丽, 刘思璕, 王舒, 孙梦, 欧阳萱, 杨新华*. 家庭功能对精神病性体验的影响:人际适应和孤独感的链式中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2019, 27(06): 1135-1138+1143.
王东方, 杨新华, 王思思, 陈春平, 孙梦, 张雯, 蒲唯丹, 欧阳萱*, 刘哲宁. 留守儿童心理弹性与精神病性体验的关系:同伴依恋的调节效应. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2019, 27(05):919-922+927.
王东方, 张雯, 王思思, 孙梦, 彭畅, 蒲唯丹, 杨新华, 欧阳萱*, 刘哲宁. 青少年精神病性体验及其社会影响因素——基于城乡差异的实证分析. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2019, 27(02):302-305+355.
王东方, 田凯, 谢光荣, 杨新华*. 快感缺失、压力和神经质人格对抑郁症发病的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2017, 25(04): 754-757.