- 姓名:陆爱桃
- 学历:博 士
- 职称:教授,博导
- 职务:
- 研究方向:青少年学习与发展,思维训练与学习,语言认知与加工
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:lu_yoyo@yeah.net / atlupsy@gmail.com
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院303室(510631)
- 个人主页:
曾主持国家自然科学基金项目、教育部人文社科一般项目,广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,以及广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目;参与出版教材《发展心理学》(主编:张向葵和桑标);另,发表研究论文70多篇,其中作为第一作者在《Neuropsychologia》《Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance》《Cognition》、《Neuroscience Letters》、《Language Science》、《Journal of adolescence》、《Scandinavian Journal of Psychology》、《Plos One》等高影响因子的SCI/SSCI国际心理学权威刊物发表论文60篇,在国内最权威的心理学刊物《心理学报》发表3篇,在国内CSSCI心理学重要学术刊物上发表近20多篇。
2017.8-2018.8 University of Connecticut 访问学者
2016.12—至今 华南师范大学心理学教授
2012.1—2016.11 华南师范大学心理学副教授
2010.1—2011.12 华南师范大学心理学讲师
Articles in 2024(*代表通讯作者,#代表共同第一作者)
1.An, Y., Lu, A*., Chen, W., Xue, S., Ke, X., Li, J., He, W. (2024). Transcending Belief: Exploring the Impact of Belief in a Just World on Self-Regulated Learning in Chinese Adolescents Using Latent Transitions Analysis. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17, 3691-3708. https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S473451
2.Xue, S., Lu, A.*, Chen, W., Li, J., Ke, X., & An, Y. (2024). A latent profile analysis and network analysis of anxiety and depression symptoms in Chinese widowed elderly. Journal of Affective Disorders, 366, 172-180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.181
3.Liu,S., Lu, A.*, Chen,W., & Xue,S. (2024). Peer Acceptance Influence Suicidal Ideation Through Negative Affect and Rumination Among Chinese Adolescents: A Network Analysis and A Serial Mediation Model. Current Psychology (SSCI), 43(24), 21120–21133. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-05873-1
4.Liu,S., Lu, A.*, Chen, W., Li, K., & He, Y. (2024). Perceived usefulness of English (L2) learning Apps and L2 willingness to communicate: A network analysis and a chain mediation model of motivation intensity and metacognitive strategies. Foreign lanuage annals (SSCI, accepted).
5.Lu, A.*,#, Wang, X.#, Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Song, T., Liu, S., Jiang, L., Zhong, W., Ye, L., Luo, J., & Jian, Y. (2026). How are Cantonese Sentence-Final Particles Phonologically and Semantically Processed in the Mind?. Psihologija (SSCI, accepted).
6.Lu, A.*,#, Liu, S.#, & Chen, W. (2024). Perceived usefulness of English (L2) learning apps and language mindset mediated by flow and motivation Intensity: A serial mediation model and a network analysis. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2024.2375637.
Articles in 2023
1.Huang, X.#, Lu, A*#., Deng, R., Tang, Y., Zeng, J., Zhu, W., ... & Xiong, W. (2022). Bidirectional Interaction between Language Control and Domain-general Executive Control in Unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals. Psihologija (SSCI), 57(00), 29-29. DOI: 10.2298/PSI210121029H
2.Jiang, L.,# Lu, A*.,# Lin, Y., Liu, S., Li, J., Song, T., ... & Zhong, W. (2023). Fear of Missing Out as a Mediator and Social Capital as a Moderator of the Relationship Between the Narcissism and the Social Media Use Among Adolescents. Psihologija (SSCI), 56(4), 451-474. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=18aacff2d99ad6021a718b96797c1492
3.Lu, A.*#, Liu, S.#, Zhang, J.*, Zhang, M., Song, T., Wang, L., & Wang, X. (2023). The Effect of Phonetic Similarity on Domain-general Executive Control in Color-shape Task: Evidence from Cantonese-Mandarinand Beijing-dialect-Mandarin Bidialectals. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (SSCI), 52, 1855–1874 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10936-023-09958-z
4.Yang, H., Huang, X. , Zhao, X. , & Lu, A.* (2023).Trait mindfulness and cell phone addiction in adolescents: A moderated mediation model. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 51(2), e11984.
5.Liu, S. & Lu, A.* (2023). Forgiveness, Rumination, and Self-control as the Predictors of Adolescent Life Satisfaction: A Comparison of Two Serial Mediational Models. Psychology in the Schools (SSCI) , 60 (11), 4576-4601.
6.Huang, J., Lu, A.*, Luo, J., Chen, G., Zhao, J., Zheng, M., & Tu, L. (2023). The Impact of Mindfulness on the Creativity among Chinese Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model. Studies in Psychology (SSCI) , 44(2-3), 376-406.
Articles in 2022
1.Lu, A.*,#, Deng, R.#, Huang, Y.#, Song, T., Shen, Y., Fan, Z., & Zhang, J. (2022). The roles of mobile app perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in app-based Chinese and English learning flow and satisfaction. Education and Information Technologies (SSCI), 27, 10349–10370. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-022-11036-1
2.Wang, X.#, Lu, A.*,#, Lin, T., Liu, S., Song, T., Huang, X., & Jiang, L. (2022). Perceived usefulness predicts second language learners’ continuance intention toward language learning applications: A serial multiple mediation model of integrative motivation and flow. Education and Information Technologies (SSCI),27(4), 5033-5049, https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=d85df217a2c5417ec39c48f45b175e51
3.Lu, A.*#., Wang, X.#., Hong, X., Song, T., Zhang, M., & Huang, X. (2022). The body-ownership is unconsciously distorted in the brain: An event-related potential study of rubber hand illusion. Psihologija (SSCI), 55(3), 297-312. https://doi.org/10.2298/PSI210126002L
4.Liu, S.,#., Lu, A.*,#, Chen, X., Zhang, M., Liu, C., & Li, M. (2023). The Relationship between Self-consciousness and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy in Disabled and Non-disabled People: Two Moderated Mediation Models. Psihologija (SSCI), 56(1), 63 – 88. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=e5c03aca231f69779f750f7f27f758d9
5.Deng, R.#, Lu, A.*,#. (2022). Sleep modulates emotional effect on false memory. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (ESCI), 15(1), 154–178. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=5079d27827f624dbeb1a3c602a352141
6.Li, K., Lu, A*., Deng, R., & Yi, H. (2022). The Unique Cost of Human Eye Gaze in Cognitive Control: Being Human-Specific and Body-Related? Psichologija (SSCI), 67, 47-69. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=9b1e2048245f208bf7d84069298c2929
7.Yang, H., Wang, X., Lu, A*., Zhang, M., & Liu, Y. (2022). How power and personality trait of others affect impression: Evidence from event-related potentials. Cogent Psychology (ESCI), 9(1), 2029246. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=a2f748040b468574010718d366c70f60
Articles in 2021
1.Liu, S., Lu, A.*, Tian, H., Cai, Y., Zhang, M., Song, T., Chen, G., & Qu, D. (2021). Event-related potentials reveal early visual-tactile integration in the deaf. Psihologija (SSCI), 55(3), 329 – 355. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=1492a7ebe1d8d8da165958760669e24e
Articles in 2020
1.Lu, A.*, Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Li, M., Hong, X., Zheng, D., & Deng, R. (2020). The Role of Semantic Gender in Name Comprehension: An Event-Related Potentials Study. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 49(1),175-185. doi: 10.1007/s10936-019-09677-4.
Articles in 2019
1.Zhang, M., Lu, A.*, & Hodges, B. H. (2019). Lifting, tasting, and carrying: The interaction of magnitude and valence effects in time perception. Acta Psychologica (SSCI), 193, 1-10.
2.Lu, A.*, Wang, L., Guo, Y., Zeng, J., Zheng, D., Wang, X., Shao, Y., & Wang, R. (2019). The roles of relative linguistic proficiency and modality switching in language switch cost: Evidence from Chinese visual unimodal and bimodal bilinguals. Journal of Psycholinguistic Reseach (SSCI), 48(1), 1-18.
3.Lu, A.*, Zhang, M., Li, M., Zhang,Y., & Zhang, J. (2019). Neuroticism and Depression: A Moderated Mediation Model of Secure Peer Attachment and Blindness. Child & Adolescent Mental Health (online). https://doi.org/10.2989/17280583.2019.1608829
4.陆爱桃*,郑爽,李美荣,洪秀秀,凌虹.(2019).自尊、社交焦虑与生活满意度:基于失明/视力正常青少年的有中介调节模型. 应用心理学,25(1),80-94.
Articles in 2018
1.Lu, A.*, Cai, S., Zheng, S., Hu, H., & Song, P. (2018). Stereotype and National Attachment in Hong Kong Chinese Context: A Moderated Mediation Model of Perceived Inter-group Relationship and Age. Social Indicators Research (SSCI), 135 (1), 357-371.
2.Zheng, D., Liu, Y., Lambert, A., Lu, A.*, Tomeia, J, & Holde, D. (2018). An ecological community becoming: Language learning as first-order experiencing with place and mobile technologies. Linguistics and Education (SSCI), 44, 45-57.
3.Liu, C., Chen, X., Song, P., Lu, A.*, Wang, L., Zhang, X., Huang, Z., & Zheng, D. (2018). Relationship between childhood emotional abuse and self-esteem: A dual mediation model of attachment. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal (SSCI), 46, 793-800.
4.刘楚麒,陆爱桃*,谢丹丹,林军凤,张烨,张瀚卿. (2018).真实记忆与虚假记忆中的生命性效应研究. 心理科学,(2),272-277.
5.曾嘉鸿,陆爱桃*,黄子容,张心怡,蔡润杨.(2018).自我价值感与学习投入:学习动机和经济状况的有调节中介模型. 心理研究,11(5),434-443.
6.郑爽,陆爱桃*,张心怡,黄子容,薛琦.(2018).权力感与时间折扣的关系:未来定向的中介作用. 心理研究,11(2),147-153.
7.薛琦,陆爱桃*,曲星羽,刘楚麒,李美荣,张丽芬.(2018).识脸错觉与橡胶手错觉下的身份认同:基于内隐联想测验的证据. 心理研究,11(3),250-260.
8.周畅,陆爱桃*,张树烨,吴悦悦,李佳瑜,霍旖祺.(2018).冒犯意图对受害者报复程度的影响:宽恕的调节作用. 心理研究,11(6),549-555.
Articles in 2017
1.Zhang, M., Lu, A.*, & Song, P. (2017). ERP Evidence for the Activation of Syntactic Structure During Comprehension of Lexical Idiom. Journal of Psycholinguistic Reseach (SSCI), 46(5), 1137-1148.
2.Wang, Z., & Lu, A. (2017). Collectivism and commitment in Chinese people: Romantic attachment in vertical collectivism. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal (SSCI), 45(8), 1365-1373(9).
3.曲星羽,陆爱桃*,宋萍芳,蓝伊琳,蔡润杨. (2017).手机成瘾对学习倦怠的影响:以学业拖延为中介. 应用心理学, 23(1), 49-57.
4.叶钰侨,陆爱桃*,张心怡,黄子容,李正豪. (2017).大学生社会支持对学习倦怠的影响:经济状况和生活满意度的有调节中介模型. 心理研究,10(4):79-85
5.曾嘉鸿,陆爱桃*,郭煜阳,蔡润杨. (2017).高校贫困生的社会支持和社交焦虑的关系:心理弹性的中介作用. 心理研究,10(2):83-89.
Articles, pre 2017
1.Ye, J., Peng, A., Lu, A., Tian, H., Hong, X., Yi, H., Wang, L., Song, P., Zhang, L., Lan, Y., Qiu, Y., Guan, W., & Wang, W. (2016). Attachment, loneliness, and social anxiety: A comparison of deaf and hearing Chinese adolescents. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal (SSCI), 44, 1033-1042.
2.Lu, A., Yu, Y., Niu, J., & Zhang, J.X. (2015). The effect of sign language structure on complex word reading in Chinese deaf adolescents. Plos One(SCI), 10(3), e0120943. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120943.
3.Lu, A., Zhang, M., Shao, Y., Yu, Y., Zheng, S., Ye ,J., Yi, H., & Wang, L. (2015). What Directions Do We Look at Power from? Up-Down, Left-Right, and Front-Back. Plos One(SCI), 10(7), e0132756. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132756.
4.Lu, A.*, Yi, F., Yu, Z., Tian, H., Hong, X., & Zheng, D. (2015). Anxiety and mind wandering as independent consequences of stereotype threat. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 43(4), 537-546.
5.Lu, A.*, Tian, H., Yu, Y., Feng, Y., Hong, X., & Yu, Z. (2015). Peer attachment and social anxiety: Gender as moderator across deaf and hearing adolescents. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 43(2), 231-240.
6.Lu, A.*, Hong, X., Yu, Y., Ling, H., Tian, H., Yu, Z., & Chang, L*. (2015). Perceived Physical Appearance and Life Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-esteem and Life Experience of Deaf and Hearing Adolescents. Journal of adolescence (SSCI), 39, 1-9.
7.Lu, A.*, Yang, L., Yu, Y., Zhang, M., Shao, Y., & Zhang, H. (2014). Event-related potentials reveal linguistic suppression effect but not enhancement effect on categorical perception of color. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (SSCI), 55, 287-295.
8.Lu, A.*, Zhang, H., He, G., Zheng, D., & Hodges, H. B.* (2014). Looking Up to Others: Social Status, Chinese Honorifics, and Spatial Attention. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (SSCI), 68(2), 77-83.
9.Lu, A.*, Yu, Y., Zhang, M., Chang, L.*, & Liang, B. (2014). Occupational Stereotype: Up-down Spatial Embodiment of the Competence Content. Psychologia (SSCI), 57, 1-11.
10.Lu, A.*, Yu, Y., Hong, X., Feng, Y., & Tian, H. (2014). Peer attachment and loneliness among adolescents who are deaf: The moderating effect of personality. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 42(4), 551-560.
11.Lu, A., & Zhang, J. X. *(2012). Event-related potential evidence for the early activation of literal meaning during comprehension of conventional lexical metaphors. Neuropsychologia (SSCI/SCI), 50, 1730-1738.
12.Lu, A., Liu, J. & Zhang, J. X. *(2012). Event-related potentials reveal early activation of body part representations in action concept comprehension. Neuroscience Letters (SCI), 511, 74-78.
13.Lu, A.*, Hodges, B. H., Zhang, J. & Wang, X. (2012). A Whorfian speed bump? Effects of Chinese color names on recognition across hemispheres. Language Sciences (SSCI), 34, 591-603.
14.Lu, A., Xu, G., Jin, H., Mo, L., Zhang, J., & Zhang, J. X.* (2010). Electrophysiological evidence for effects of color knowledge in object recognition. Neuroscience Letters (SCI), 469, 405-410.
15.Ho, M.Y.*, Zhang, H., Lin, D., Lu, A., Bond, M. H., Chan, C., & Friedman, M. (2010). Saving graces: Impact of partner support and maternal attachment on partner attachments in an individualistic and a collectivist context. Asian Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI), 13, 19-29.
16.Lu, A., Hodges, B., Zhang, J., & Zhang, J. X.* (2009). Context effects on number-time interaction. Cognition (SSCI), 113(1), 117-122.
17.Lu, A., Mo, L., & Hodges, B. H. *(2011). The weight of time: Affordances for an integrated magnitude system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (SSCI), 37(6), 1855-1866.
1.曲星羽,陆爱桃*,苏丹晓. (2016).听障青少年依恋和友谊满意度的关系:孤独感的中介作用. 心理研究,9(3):87-93.
2.刘楚麒,陆爱桃*,田海平,李文桃. (2016).再认记忆中的消极重复效应:基于中国被试的新证据. 心理研究,9(3):36-42.
3.杨玲,陆爱桃*,连松州,张美超(2013).听障青少年依恋和生活满意度关系:自尊的中介作用. 中国特殊教育,9,27-32.
4.余燕萍,陆爱桃*,何光辉,郭俊峰(2013). 听障青少年父母依恋、人格特质与孤独感的相关研究. 应用心理学,19(3),281-288.
5.陆爱桃,张积家*,Michael Harris Bond,张学新(2012). 情侣依恋与情感投入:性别的调节作用. 心理科学,35(3),654-658.
6.陆爱桃,张积家*,Michael Harris Bond,张学新,Michael Friedman,Chan Ching. (2009)冲突与支持影响情侣依恋的文化差异. 心理学报,41(6),534-544.
7.凌虹,陆爱桃*,郑爽,李宽,刘昆灵,Bond,Friedman.(2015).犬儒主义、社会支持对生活满意度的影响:文化调节的中介作用. 心理研究,8(4),73-78.
8.张美超,陆爱桃*,高敏,霍丽娟,洪秀秀,田海平.(2015).合取谬误的情绪唤醒机制:文理科生间的差异比较. 心理研究,8(4),30-35.
9.凌虹,陆爱桃*,连松洲,李文桃,苏丹晓.(2015). 不同情绪对认知失调冲突的影响研究. 心理研究,8(2),40-45.
10.邵玉兰,陆爱桃*,党玉晓,蔡思敏,胡慧清,郑爽. (2014). 听障青少年同伴依恋与生活满意度的关系:孤独感的中介作用. 心理研究,7(4),34-41.
11.何光辉,陆爱桃*,张美超,李文桃.(2014). 社会启动下不同思维方式对双任务成绩的影响. 重庆理工大学学报(社会科学),28(1),43-48.
12.张美超,陆爱桃*,余燕萍. (2014). 量词加工中视觉形状信息的激活研究. 心理研究,7(1),29-35.
13.冯译,陆爱桃*,王晓玲,邵玉兰,苏丹晓. (2013).大学生情侣依恋、情侣冲突与支持问的关系研究. 惠州学院学报(社会科学版),33(2),100-104.
14.赵思萌,王晓玲,陆爱桃*,金淼,CHAN Ching,许艺青,黎焕枝. (2011).社会支持在情侣依恋与生活满意度关系中的中介作用. 中国心理卫生杂志,25,8,625-629.
15.陆爱桃*,张积家,吴悦. (2011).小学生汉语心理动词组织发展的研究. 心理研究,4(3),34-42.
陆爱桃.发展心理学(主编张向葵,桑标)中第八章语言发展。 教育出版社, 2012第1版。
2017 汉语学习app软件的研发及二语汉语习得机制、素养机制和语用协调机制的探讨(31628010)
2016 聋人汉语习得及其语用协调机制研究(31571141)
2014 手语中的语音编码激活及跨语言影响机制研究(HS2015001)
2013 聋人汉语、手语中的语音编码研究(31200762)
2012 中国聋人手语的加工:来自认知神经科学的证据(11YJC740071)
2012 中国手语加工的认知与脑机制(s2011040001823)
2009年参加了在美国波士顿举行的Grounding Language in Perception and (inter) Action 会议,并作了口头报告。