- 姓名:陆爱桃
- 学历:博 士
- 职称:教授,博导
- 职务:
- 研究方向:青少年学习与发展,思维训练与学习,语言认知与加工
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:lu_yoyo@yeah.net / atlupsy@gmail.com
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院303室(510631)
- 个人主页:
曾主持国家自然科学基金项目、教育部人文社科一般项目,广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,以及广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目;参与出版教材《发展心理学》(主编:张向葵和桑标);另,发表研究论文70多篇,其中作为第一作者在《Neuropsychologia》《Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance》《Cognition》、《Neuroscience Letters》、《Language Science》、《Journal of adolescence》、《Scandinavian Journal of Psychology》、《Plos One》等高影响因子的SCI/SSCI国际心理学权威刊物发表论文60篇,在国内最权威的心理学刊物《心理学报》发表3篇,在国内CSSCI心理学重要学术刊物上发表近20多篇。
2017.8-2018.8 University of Connecticut 访问学者
2016.12—至今 华南师范大学心理学教授
2012.1—2016.11 华南师范大学心理学副教授
2010.1—2011.12 华南师范大学心理学讲师
Articles in 2025(*代表通讯作者,#代表共同第一作者)
1.Li, J., Lu, A*., Ye, L., Chen, G., Ling, H., Chen, W., Zhong, Y., An, Y., Ke, X. (2025). Mobile phone addiction, self-control, mind wandering, and cognitive failure in Chinese adolescents: A network analysis and a chain mediation model. Psychology in the Schools (Online). https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.23426
2.Lu, A.*,#, Wang, X.#, Zhang, Y., Huang, X., Song, T., Liu, S., Jiang, L., Zhong, W., Ye, L., Luo, J., & Jian, Y. (2025). How are Cantonese Sentence-Final Particles Phonologically and Semantically Processed in the Mind?. Psihologija. Advance online. https://doi.org/10.2298/PSI220701002L.
3.Xue, S., Lu, A.*, Chen, W., Liang, Y., Li, X., Liu, W., Zhu, Y., Wang, X., & Zeng, S. (2025). How to alleviate students' academic burnout? Using latent profile analysis and network analysis to explore the positive impact of school climate and achievement goal orientation. Psychology in the Schools. Advance online. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=74fe1ae5603d574dafaabb007374d8d2
4.Zou, Z., Jiang, L., Chen, W., Gao, Y., Chen, G., Liang, Y., Wang, X., Li, X., & Lu, A.* (2025). Self-control as a predictor of peer relationships in adolescents with rumination as a mediator and gender-role orientation as a moderator: An intervention study. Psihologija. https://doi.org/10.2298/PSI240311020Z
Articles in 2024
1.An, Y., Lu, A*., Chen, W., Xue, S., Ke, X., Li, J., He, W. (2024). Transcending Belief: Exploring the Impact of Belief in a Just World on Self-Regulated Learning in Chinese Adolescents Using Latent Transitions Analysis. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 17, 3691-3708. https://doi.org/10.2147/PRBM.S473451
2.Xue, S., Lu, A.*, Chen, W., Li, J., Ke, X., & An, Y. (2024). A latent profile analysis and network analysis of anxiety and depression symptoms in Chinese widowed elderly. Journal of Affective Disorders, 366, 172-180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2024.08.181
3.Liu,S., Lu, A.*, Chen,W., & Xue,S. (2024). Peer Acceptance Influence Suicidal Ideation Through Negative Affect and Rumination Among Chinese Adolescents: A Network Analysis and A Serial Mediation Model. Current Psychology (SSCI), 43(24), 21120–21133. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-024-05873-1
4.Lu, A.*,#, Liu, S.#, & Chen, W. (2024). Perceived usefulness of English (L2) learning apps and language mindset mediated by flow and motivation Intensity: A serial mediation model and a network analysis. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2024.2375637.
Articles in 2023
1.Huang, X.#, Lu, A*#., Deng, R., Tang, Y., Zeng, J., Zhu, W., ... & Xiong, W. (2022). Bidirectional Interaction between Language Control and Domain-general Executive Control in Unbalanced Chinese-English bilinguals. Psihologija (SSCI), 57(00), 29-29. DOI: 10.2298/PSI210121029H
2.Jiang, L.,# Lu, A*.,# Lin, Y., Liu, S., Li, J., Song, T., ... & Zhong, W. (2023). Fear of Missing Out as a Mediator and Social Capital as a Moderator of the Relationship Between the Narcissism and the Social Media Use Among Adolescents. Psihologija (SSCI), 56(4), 451-474. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=18aacff2d99ad6021a718b96797c1492
3.Lu, A.*#, Liu, S.#, Zhang, J.*, Zhang, M., Song, T., Wang, L., & Wang, X. (2023). The Effect of Phonetic Similarity on Domain-general Executive Control in Color-shape Task: Evidence from Cantonese-Mandarinand Beijing-dialect-Mandarin Bidialectals. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (SSCI), 52, 1855–1874 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10936-023-09958-z
4.Yang, H., Huang, X. , Zhao, X. , & Lu, A.* (2023).Trait mindfulness and cell phone addiction in adolescents: A moderated mediation model. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 51(2), e11984.
5.Liu, S. & Lu, A.* (2023). Forgiveness, Rumination, and Self-control as the Predictors of Adolescent Life Satisfaction: A Comparison of Two Serial Mediational Models. Psychology in the Schools (SSCI) , 60 (11), 4576-4601.
6.Huang, J., Lu, A.*, Luo, J., Chen, G., Zhao, J., Zheng, M., & Tu, L. (2023). The Impact of Mindfulness on the Creativity among Chinese Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model. Studies in Psychology (SSCI) , 44(2-3), 376-406.
Articles in 2022
1.Lu, A.*,#, Deng, R.#, Huang, Y.#, Song, T., Shen, Y., Fan, Z., & Zhang, J. (2022). The roles of mobile app perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in app-based Chinese and English learning flow and satisfaction. Education and Information Technologies (SSCI), 27, 10349–10370. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-022-11036-1
2.Wang, X.#, Lu, A.*,#, Lin, T., Liu, S., Song, T., Huang, X., & Jiang, L. (2022). Perceived usefulness predicts second language learners’ continuance intention toward language learning applications: A serial multiple mediation model of integrative motivation and flow. Education and Information Technologies (SSCI),27(4), 5033-5049, https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=d85df217a2c5417ec39c48f45b175e51
3.Lu, A.*#., Wang, X.#., Hong, X., Song, T., Zhang, M., & Huang, X. (2022). The body-ownership is unconsciously distorted in the brain: An event-related potential study of rubber hand illusion. Psihologija (SSCI), 55(3), 297-312. https://doi.org/10.2298/PSI210126002L
4.Liu, S.,#., Lu, A.*,#, Chen, X., Zhang, M., Liu, C., & Li, M. (2023). The Relationship between Self-consciousness and Career Decision-making Self-efficacy in Disabled and Non-disabled People: Two Moderated Mediation Models. Psihologija (SSCI), 56(1), 63 – 88. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=e5c03aca231f69779f750f7f27f758d9
5.Deng, R.#, Lu, A.*,#. (2022). Sleep modulates emotional effect on false memory. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (ESCI), 15(1), 154–178. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=5079d27827f624dbeb1a3c602a352141
6.Li, K., Lu, A*., Deng, R., & Yi, H. (2022). The Unique Cost of Human Eye Gaze in Cognitive Control: Being Human-Specific and Body-Related? Psichologija (SSCI), 67, 47-69. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=9b1e2048245f208bf7d84069298c2929
7.Yang, H., Wang, X., Lu, A*., Zhang, M., & Liu, Y. (2022). How power and personality trait of others affect impression: Evidence from event-related potentials. Cogent Psychology (ESCI), 9(1), 2029246. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=a2f748040b468574010718d366c70f60
Articles in 2021
1.Liu, S., Lu, A.*, Tian, H., Cai, Y., Zhang, M., Song, T., Chen, G., & Qu, D. (2021). Event-related potentials reveal early visual-tactile integration in the deaf. Psihologija (SSCI), 55(3), 329 – 355. https://url.scnu.edu.cn/record/view/index.html?key=1492a7ebe1d8d8da165958760669e24e
Articles in 2020
1.Lu, A.*, Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Li, M., Hong, X., Zheng, D., & Deng, R. (2020). The Role of Semantic Gender in Name Comprehension: An Event-Related Potentials Study. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 49(1),175-185. doi: 10.1007/s10936-019-09677-4.
Articles in 2019
1.Zhang, M., Lu, A.*, & Hodges, B. H. (2019). Lifting, tasting, and carrying: The interaction of magnitude and valence effects in time perception. Acta Psychologica (SSCI), 193, 1-10.
2.Lu, A.*, Wang, L., Guo, Y., Zeng, J., Zheng, D., Wang, X., Shao, Y., & Wang, R. (2019). The roles of relative linguistic proficiency and modality switching in language switch cost: Evidence from Chinese visual unimodal and bimodal bilinguals. Journal of Psycholinguistic Reseach (SSCI), 48(1), 1-18.
3.Lu, A.*, Zhang, M., Li, M., Zhang,Y., & Zhang, J. (2019). Neuroticism and Depression: A Moderated Mediation Model of Secure Peer Attachment and Blindness. Child & Adolescent Mental Health (online). https://doi.org/10.2989/17280583.2019.1608829
4.陆爱桃*,郑爽,李美荣,洪秀秀,凌虹.(2019).自尊、社交焦虑与生活满意度:基于失明/视力正常青少年的有中介调节模型. 应用心理学,25(1),80-94.
Articles in 2018
1.Lu, A.*, Cai, S., Zheng, S., Hu, H., & Song, P. (2018). Stereotype and National Attachment in Hong Kong Chinese Context: A Moderated Mediation Model of Perceived Inter-group Relationship and Age. Social Indicators Research (SSCI), 135 (1), 357-371.
2.Zheng, D., Liu, Y., Lambert, A., Lu, A.*, Tomeia, J, & Holde, D. (2018). An ecological community becoming: Language learning as first-order experiencing with place and mobile technologies. Linguistics and Education (SSCI), 44, 45-57.
3.Liu, C., Chen, X., Song, P., Lu, A.*, Wang, L., Zhang, X., Huang, Z., & Zheng, D. (2018). Relationship between childhood emotional abuse and self-esteem: A dual mediation model of attachment. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal (SSCI), 46, 793-800.
4.刘楚麒,陆爱桃*,谢丹丹,林军凤,张烨,张瀚卿. (2018).真实记忆与虚假记忆中的生命性效应研究. 心理科学,(2),272-277.
5.曾嘉鸿,陆爱桃*,黄子容,张心怡,蔡润杨.(2018).自我价值感与学习投入:学习动机和经济状况的有调节中介模型. 心理研究,11(5),434-443.
6.郑爽,陆爱桃*,张心怡,黄子容,薛琦.(2018).权力感与时间折扣的关系:未来定向的中介作用. 心理研究,11(2),147-153.
7.薛琦,陆爱桃*,曲星羽,刘楚麒,李美荣,张丽芬.(2018).识脸错觉与橡胶手错觉下的身份认同:基于内隐联想测验的证据. 心理研究,11(3),250-260.
8.周畅,陆爱桃*,张树烨,吴悦悦,李佳瑜,霍旖祺.(2018).冒犯意图对受害者报复程度的影响:宽恕的调节作用. 心理研究,11(6),549-555.
Articles in 2017
1.Zhang, M., Lu, A.*, & Song, P. (2017). ERP Evidence for the Activation of Syntactic Structure During Comprehension of Lexical Idiom. Journal of Psycholinguistic Reseach (SSCI), 46(5), 1137-1148.
2.Wang, Z., & Lu, A. (2017). Collectivism and commitment in Chinese people: Romantic attachment in vertical collectivism. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal (SSCI), 45(8), 1365-1373(9).
3.曲星羽,陆爱桃*,宋萍芳,蓝伊琳,蔡润杨. (2017).手机成瘾对学习倦怠的影响:以学业拖延为中介. 应用心理学, 23(1), 49-57.
4.叶钰侨,陆爱桃*,张心怡,黄子容,李正豪. (2017).大学生社会支持对学习倦怠的影响:经济状况和生活满意度的有调节中介模型. 心理研究,10(4):79-85
5.曾嘉鸿,陆爱桃*,郭煜阳,蔡润杨. (2017).高校贫困生的社会支持和社交焦虑的关系:心理弹性的中介作用. 心理研究,10(2):83-89.
Articles, pre 2017
1.Ye, J., Peng, A., Lu, A., Tian, H., Hong, X., Yi, H., Wang, L., Song, P., Zhang, L., Lan, Y., Qiu, Y., Guan, W., & Wang, W. (2016). Attachment, loneliness, and social anxiety: A comparison of deaf and hearing Chinese adolescents. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal (SSCI), 44, 1033-1042.
2.Lu, A., Yu, Y., Niu, J., & Zhang, J.X. (2015). The effect of sign language structure on complex word reading in Chinese deaf adolescents. Plos One(SCI), 10(3), e0120943. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120943.
3.Lu, A., Zhang, M., Shao, Y., Yu, Y., Zheng, S., Ye ,J., Yi, H., & Wang, L. (2015). What Directions Do We Look at Power from? Up-Down, Left-Right, and Front-Back. Plos One(SCI), 10(7), e0132756. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132756.
4.Lu, A.*, Yi, F., Yu, Z., Tian, H., Hong, X., & Zheng, D. (2015). Anxiety and mind wandering as independent consequences of stereotype threat. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 43(4), 537-546.
5.Lu, A.*, Tian, H., Yu, Y., Feng, Y., Hong, X., & Yu, Z. (2015). Peer attachment and social anxiety: Gender as moderator across deaf and hearing adolescents. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 43(2), 231-240.
6.Lu, A.*, Hong, X., Yu, Y., Ling, H., Tian, H., Yu, Z., & Chang, L*. (2015). Perceived Physical Appearance and Life Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Model of Self-esteem and Life Experience of Deaf and Hearing Adolescents. Journal of adolescence (SSCI), 39, 1-9.
7.Lu, A.*, Yang, L., Yu, Y., Zhang, M., Shao, Y., & Zhang, H. (2014). Event-related potentials reveal linguistic suppression effect but not enhancement effect on categorical perception of color. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (SSCI), 55, 287-295.
8.Lu, A.*, Zhang, H., He, G., Zheng, D., & Hodges, H. B.* (2014). Looking Up to Others: Social Status, Chinese Honorifics, and Spatial Attention. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (SSCI), 68(2), 77-83.
9.Lu, A.*, Yu, Y., Zhang, M., Chang, L.*, & Liang, B. (2014). Occupational Stereotype: Up-down Spatial Embodiment of the Competence Content. Psychologia (SSCI), 57, 1-11.
10.Lu, A.*, Yu, Y., Hong, X., Feng, Y., & Tian, H. (2014). Peer attachment and loneliness among adolescents who are deaf: The moderating effect of personality. Social behavior and personality (SSCI), 42(4), 551-560.
11.Lu, A., & Zhang, J. X. *(2012). Event-related potential evidence for the early activation of literal meaning during comprehension of conventional lexical metaphors. Neuropsychologia (SSCI/SCI), 50, 1730-1738.
12.Lu, A., Liu, J. & Zhang, J. X. *(2012). Event-related potentials reveal early activation of body part representations in action concept comprehension. Neuroscience Letters (SCI), 511, 74-78.
13.Lu, A.*, Hodges, B. H., Zhang, J. & Wang, X. (2012). A Whorfian speed bump? Effects of Chinese color names on recognition across hemispheres. Language Sciences (SSCI), 34, 591-603.
14.Lu, A., Xu, G., Jin, H., Mo, L., Zhang, J., & Zhang, J. X.* (2010). Electrophysiological evidence for effects of color knowledge in object recognition. Neuroscience Letters (SCI), 469, 405-410.
15.Ho, M.Y.*, Zhang, H., Lin, D., Lu, A., Bond, M. H., Chan, C., & Friedman, M. (2010). Saving graces: Impact of partner support and maternal attachment on partner attachments in an individualistic and a collectivist context. Asian Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI), 13, 19-29.
16.Lu, A., Hodges, B., Zhang, J., & Zhang, J. X.* (2009). Context effects on number-time interaction. Cognition (SSCI), 113(1), 117-122.
17.Lu, A., Mo, L., & Hodges, B. H. *(2011). The weight of time: Affordances for an integrated magnitude system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (SSCI), 37(6), 1855-1866.
1.曲星羽,陆爱桃*,苏丹晓. (2016).听障青少年依恋和友谊满意度的关系:孤独感的中介作用. 心理研究,9(3):87-93.
2.刘楚麒,陆爱桃*,田海平,李文桃. (2016).再认记忆中的消极重复效应:基于中国被试的新证据. 心理研究,9(3):36-42.
3.杨玲,陆爱桃*,连松州,张美超(2013).听障青少年依恋和生活满意度关系:自尊的中介作用. 中国特殊教育,9,27-32.
4.余燕萍,陆爱桃*,何光辉,郭俊峰(2013). 听障青少年父母依恋、人格特质与孤独感的相关研究. 应用心理学,19(3),281-288.
5.陆爱桃,张积家*,Michael Harris Bond,张学新(2012). 情侣依恋与情感投入:性别的调节作用. 心理科学,35(3),654-658.
6.陆爱桃,张积家*,Michael Harris Bond,张学新,Michael Friedman,Chan Ching. (2009)冲突与支持影响情侣依恋的文化差异. 心理学报,41(6),534-544.
7.凌虹,陆爱桃*,郑爽,李宽,刘昆灵,Bond,Friedman.(2015).犬儒主义、社会支持对生活满意度的影响:文化调节的中介作用. 心理研究,8(4),73-78.
8.张美超,陆爱桃*,高敏,霍丽娟,洪秀秀,田海平.(2015).合取谬误的情绪唤醒机制:文理科生间的差异比较. 心理研究,8(4),30-35.
9.凌虹,陆爱桃*,连松洲,李文桃,苏丹晓.(2015). 不同情绪对认知失调冲突的影响研究. 心理研究,8(2),40-45.
10.邵玉兰,陆爱桃*,党玉晓,蔡思敏,胡慧清,郑爽. (2014). 听障青少年同伴依恋与生活满意度的关系:孤独感的中介作用. 心理研究,7(4),34-41.
11.何光辉,陆爱桃*,张美超,李文桃.(2014). 社会启动下不同思维方式对双任务成绩的影响. 重庆理工大学学报(社会科学),28(1),43-48.
12.张美超,陆爱桃*,余燕萍. (2014). 量词加工中视觉形状信息的激活研究. 心理研究,7(1),29-35.
13.冯译,陆爱桃*,王晓玲,邵玉兰,苏丹晓. (2013).大学生情侣依恋、情侣冲突与支持问的关系研究. 惠州学院学报(社会科学版),33(2),100-104.
14.赵思萌,王晓玲,陆爱桃*,金淼,CHAN Ching,许艺青,黎焕枝. (2011).社会支持在情侣依恋与生活满意度关系中的中介作用. 中国心理卫生杂志,25,8,625-629.
15.陆爱桃*,张积家,吴悦. (2011).小学生汉语心理动词组织发展的研究. 心理研究,4(3),34-42.
陆爱桃.发展心理学(主编张向葵,桑标)中第八章语言发展。 教育出版社, 2012第1版。
2017 汉语学习app软件的研发及二语汉语习得机制、素养机制和语用协调机制的探讨(31628010)
2016 聋人汉语习得及其语用协调机制研究(31571141)
2014 手语中的语音编码激活及跨语言影响机制研究(HS2015001)
2013 聋人汉语、手语中的语音编码研究(31200762)
2012 中国聋人手语的加工:来自认知神经科学的证据(11YJC740071)
2012 中国手语加工的认知与脑机制(s2011040001823)
2009年参加了在美国波士顿举行的Grounding Language in Perception and (inter) Action 会议,并作了口头报告。