- 姓名:陈娟
- 学历:北京大学心理与认知科学学院 博士
- 职称:
- 职务:教授
- 研究方向:视觉引导的动作(抓取,指向,工具使用等),真实物体真实空间的表征,视知觉,触觉,本体感觉,多感知通道融合
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:juanchen@m.scnu.edu.cn
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院
- 个人主页:http://juanchenpsy.scnu.edu.cn/
北京师范大学数学科学学院学士,北京大学心理与认知科学学院博士,加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)博士后。于2018年加入华南师范大学心理学院。入选国家重要海外人才引进计划青年项目。作为通讯作者和第一作者发表过多篇包括Current Biology,Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, Psychological Science等国际顶尖刊物在内的SCI/SSCI论文。
研究手段包括:心理物理学,运动追踪,眼动,EEG,fMRI,MEG,病人研究等。 人类动作研究有非常强的实用性,可与机器人和人工智能领域广泛结合。
动作研究领域 (*为通讯作者)
Wang, C., Gao, J., Deng, Z., Zhang, Y., Zheng, C., Liu, X.,Sperandio., Chen. J*. (2022). Extracurricular sports activities modify the proprioceptive map in children aged 5–8 years. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 9338.
Chen, J*., Sperandio, I*., & Goodale, M. A. (2018). Proprioceptive Distance Cues Restore Perfect Size Constancy in Grasping, but Not Perception, When Vision Is Limited. Current Biology, 28, 1-6.
Chen, J*., Snow, J. C., Culham, J. C., & Goodale, M. A. (2018). What Role Does “Elongation” Play in “Tool-Specific” Activation and Connectivity in the Dorsal and Ventral Visual Streams? Cerebral Cortex, 28(4), 1117-1131.
Freud, E., Macdonald, S. N., Chen, J., Quinlan, D. J., Goodale, M. A., & Culham, J. C. (2018). Getting a grip on reality: Grasping movements directed to real objects and images rely on dissociable neural representations. Cortex, 98, 34-48.
Chen, J*., Sperandio, I., & Goodale, M. A*. (2015). Differences in the effects of crowding on size perception and grip scaling in densely cluttered 3-D scenes. Psychological Science, 26(1), 58-69.
Chen, J*., Jayawardena, S., & Goodale, M. A. (2015). The effects of shape crowding on grasping. Journal of Vision, 15(3), 1-9.
唐日新, 宋爱霞, 陈娟*. 人类视觉引导动作的行为学和脑成像研究[J]. 生理学报. 2019年第1期 22-32页
Gao, J., Ko, A., Yabe, Y., Goodale, M. A., & Chen, J*. (2020). Pupil size is modulated by the size of equal-luminance gratings. Journal of Vision, 20(8), 4-4.
Chen, J*., Sperandio, I., Henry, M. J., & Goodale, M. A. (2019). Changing the Real Viewing Distance Reveals the Temporal Evolution of Size Constancy in Visual Cortex.Current Biology, 29(13), 2237-2243.e2234. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.05.069
Mundinano, I.-C., Chen, J., de Souza, M., Sarossy, M. G., Joanisse, M. F., Goodale, M. A., & Bourne, J. A. (2017). More than blindsight: Case report of a child with extraordinary visual capacity following perinatal bilateral occipital lobe injury. Neuropsychologia.
Chen, J., Yu, Q., Zhu, Z., Peng, Y., & Fang, F. (2016). Spatial summation revealed in the earliest visual evoked component C1 and the effect of attention on its linearity. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(1), 500-509.
Bi, T., Chen, J., Zhou, T., He, Y., & Fang, F. (2014). Function and Structure of Human Left Fusiform Cortex Are Closely Associated with Perceptual Learning of Faces. Current Biology, 24(2), 222-227. (共同第一作者)
Chen, J., He, Y., Zhu, Z., Zhou, T., Peng, Y., Zhang, X., & Fang, F. (2014). Attention-Dependent Early Cortical Suppression Contributes to Crowding. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(32), 10465-10474.
Chen, J., Yang, H., Wang, A., & Fang, F. (2010). Perceptual consequences of face viewpoint adaptation: Face viewpoint aftereffect, changes of differential sensitivity to face view, and their relationship. Journal of Vision, 10(3). (共同第一作者)
Chen, J., Zhou, T., Yang, H., & Fang, F. (2010). Cortical Dynamics Underlying Face Completion in Human Visual System. The Journal of Neuroscience, 30(49), 16692-16698.
Yang, H., Shen, J., Chen, J., & Fang, F. (2011). Face adaptation improves gender discrimination. Vision Research, 51(1), 105-110.
Chen, J., Liu, B., Chen, B., & Fang, F. (2009). Time course of amodal completion in face perception. Vision Research, 49(7), 752-758.
Bi, T., Su, J., Chen, J., & Fang, F. (2009). The role of gaze direction in face viewpoint aftereffect. Vision Research, 49(18), 2322-2327.
范真知,方方,陈娟* - 视觉拥挤效应的神经机制《中国科学:生命科学》Neural Mechanisms of Visual Crowding Effect[J]. Scientia Sinica(Vitae), 2014, 44(5):450-462
国家自然科学基金青年项目 2019-2022
国家自然科学基金面上项目 2020-2023年