- 姓名:蔡玉璇
- 学历:博士
- 职称:副教授
- 职务:
- 研究方向:认知神经科学;视知觉、数量感知、表象及脑成像
- 联系电话:
- 电子邮箱:y.cai@m.scnu.edu.cn
- 通讯地址:华南师范大学心理学院423
- 个人主页:
2009-2013 获得广州中医药大学文学学士(专业:医药英语)
2014-2017 获得华南师范大学教育学硕士(专业:基础心理学,导师:刘鸣、黄瑞旺) 2016.12-2017.06 获得华南师范大学拔尖人才计划资助赴澳大利亚新南威尔士大学心理学院联合培养(导师:Joe Pearson)
2017-2022 在荷兰皇家科学院神经科学研究所Spinoza脑影像中心攻读博士,并获得阿姆斯特丹自由大学博士学位(专业:心理学与认知神经科学,导师:Serge Dumoulin)。
2023年-至今 由青年拔尖人才引进计划加入华南师范大学心理学院。
主要采用心理物理学、计算建模、脑成像(EEG/fMRI等)以及神经调控等多种方法和技术相结合的手段,研究人类对数量/数字/数学的神经表征机制及其与认知行为的关系。相关的研究成果已第一作者或通讯作者发表于Nature Communications (IF2022 = 17.694), Cell Reports (IF2022 = 9.995), Neuroimage (IF2022 =7.4), Journal of Neuroscience (IF2022 = 6.709)等国际权威期刊。多次受邀在国内外学术交流会议上进行小组报告(比如Society of Neuroscience、Vision Science Society、Amsterdam Vision Meeting、欧洲华人心理学与脑科学学术会议、北京大学心理与认知学院“心青年”科学论坛)以及海报展示(比如Organization for Human Brain Mapping、European Confernce on Visual Perception等)。
目前担任Brain Structure and Function、Plos One等学术期刊审稿人。
1. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Hofstetter, S., Van Dijk, J. A., Zuiderbaan, W., Van der Zwaag, W., Harvey, B. M., & Dumoulin, S. O. (2021). Topographic numerosity maps cover subitizing and estimation ranges. Nature communications. (SCI, Multidisciplinary sciences, Q1, IF = 17.694)
2. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Hofstetter, S., Harvey, B. M., & Dumoulin, S. O.. Attention drives human numerosity selective responses. (2022). Cell Reports (SCI, Cell biology, Q1, IF = 9.995)
3. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Hofstetter, S., Van der Zwaag, W., Zuiderbaan, W., & Dumoulin, S. O. (2021). Individualized cognitive neuroscience needs 7T: comparing numerosity maps at 3T and 7T MRI. NeuroImage. (SCI, Neuroimaging, Q1, IF = 7.400)
4. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Hofstetter, S., & Dumoulin, S. O. (2023). Nonsymbolic numerosity maps at the occipitotemporal cortex respond to symbolic numbers. Journal of Neuroscience. (SCI, behavior/cognitive, Q1, IF = 6.709)
5. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Zhang, D., Liang, B., Wang, Z., Li, J., Gao, Z., ... & Liu, M. (2018). Relation of visual creative imagery manipulation to resting-state brain oscillations. Brain imaging and behavior, 12(1), 258-273. (SCI, Neuroimaging, Q3, IF = 3.224)
6. Hofstetter, S., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Harvey, B. M., & Dumoulin, S. O. (2021). Topographic maps representing haptic numerosity reveals distinct sensory representations in supramodal networks. Nature communications, 12(1), 1-13. (SCI, Multidisciplinary sciences, Q1, IF = 17.694)
7. Tsouli, A., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), van Ackooij, M., Hofstetter, S., Harvey, B. M., Te Pas, S. F., ... & Dumoulin, S. O. (2021). Adaptation to visual numerosity changes neural numerosity selectivity. NeuroImage, 229, 117794. (SCI, Neurosciences, Q1, IF = 7.400)
8. Oliveira, Í. A., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), van der Zwaag, Hofstetter, S., Dumoulin, S. O., & Siero, J. C. Comparing BOLD and VASO-CVB population receptive field estimates in human visual cortex. NeuroImage, 248, 118868. (SCI, Neuroimaging, Q1, IF = 7.400)
9. Tsouli, A., Harvey, B. M., Hofstetter, S., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), S., Te Pas, S. F., ... & Dumoulin, S. O. The role of Neuronal Tuning in Quantity Perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26(1), 11-24. (SCI, Behavioral sciences, Q1, IF = 24.482)
10. Li, J., Zhang, D., Liang, A., Liang, B., Wang, Z., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), ... & Liu, M. (2017). High transition frequencies of dynamic functional connectivity states in the creative brain. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-12. (SCI, Multidisciplinary sciences, Q3, IF = 4.996)
11. Jiao, B., Zhang, D., Liang, A., Liang, B., Wang, Z., Li, J., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), ... & Liu, M. (2017). Association between resting-state brain network topological organization and creative ability: Evidence from a multiple linear regression model. Biological Psychology, 129, 165-177. (SSCI/SCI, Behavioral sciences/Psychology, Q3, IF = 3.111)
12. Gao, Z., Zhang, D., Liang, A., Liang, B., Wang, Z., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), ... & Liu, M. (2017). Exploring the associations between intrinsic brain connectivity and creative ability using functional connectivity strength and connectome analysis. Brain connectivity, 7(9), 590-601. (SCI, Neurosciences, Q3, IF = 2.657)
13. Zhang, D., Gao, Z., Liang, B., Li, J., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Wang, Z., ... & Liu, M. (2019). Eyes closed elevates brain intrinsic activity of sensory dominance networks: a classifier discrimination analysis. Brain connectivity, 9(2), 221-230. (SCI, Neurosciences, Q3, IF = 2.657)
14. Gao, M., Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Liang, B., Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Gao, Z., ... & Liu, M. (2017). Mental rotation task specifically modulates functional connectivity strength of intrinsic brain activity in low frequency domains: a maximum uncertainty linear discriminant analysis. Behavioural brain research, 320, 233-243. (SCI, Behavioral sciences/Neurosciences, Q4, IF = 3.352)
The Beauty of Numbers — from neurons to perception. (博士论文),下载链接:https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/the-beauty-of-numbers-from-neurons-to-perception
1. 华南师范大学青年拔尖人才启动经费,2023—2031,主持
1. 视觉科学学会,线上 2/6/2022
Vision Science Society (VSS)
2. 北京大学心理与认知科学学院首届 “心青年” 科学论坛, 线上 3/7/2021
3. 阿姆斯特丹博士(后)认知神经科学学术会议, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰 3/3/2021
Amsterdam Graduate Network in Cognitive Neuroscience, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
4. 斯宾诺莎神经影像中心学术研讨会, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰 29/09/2020
Spinoza User Meeting (SUM), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
5. 第三届华人心理与脑科学学术会议, 乌特勒支, 荷兰 17/11/2019
Chinese Association for Psychological & Brain Science, Utrecht, the Netherlands
6. 阿姆斯特丹视觉学术会议, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰 18/4/2019
Amsterdam Vison Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
7. 阿姆斯特丹自由大学知觉与认知神经科学研讨会, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰 16/11/2018
Colloquium in Perception and Cognitive Neuroscience, VU University, Amsterdam
8. 神经科学学会 (30000人次与会) , 圣地亚哥, 美国 7/11/2018
Society of Neuroscience (SfN, 30000 attendees), San Diego, USA
9. 赫姆霍兹学术会议, 荷兰 26/6/2018
Helmholtz Retreat, Schoorl, the Netherlands
1. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Hofstetter, S., Harvey, B. M., & Dumoulin, S. O. (2020). Attention modulates numerosity responses in human parietal cortex. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 690-690. Vision Science Society (VSS).
2. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Hofstetter, S., Harvey, B. M., & Dumoulin, S. O. (2019). Attention modulates numerosity responses in human parietal cortex. 17th NVP Winter Conference on Brain & Cognition. Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands
3. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), Zuiderbaan, W., Van der Zwaag, W., Hofstetter, S., & Dumoulin, S. O. (2019). Individualized cognitive neuroscience needs 7T: comparing numerosity maps at 3T and 7T MRI. Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). No. 3410.
4. Cai, Y. (蔡玉璇), van Dijk, J., Zuiderbaan, W., van der Zwaag, W., Harvey, B., & Dumoulin, S. (2019). Topographic numerosity maps dynamically adjust to the presented numerosity range. In PERCEPTION (Vol. 48, pp. 18-18). European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), Trieste, Italy.